Hibbs on David Harper's Off Panel podcast!
/Check out my dulcet tones as David and I discuss the current state of the industry. -B
Check out my dulcet tones as David and I discuss the current state of the industry. -B
This is probably not a thing that we're going to post publicly every month (at least not where it is currently hosted, which only allows 3 hours of upload for no ongoing monthly payment), but I thought as a value-add to my comics consulting side business (www.comixconsulting.com) that maybe we'd try to record one of our ordering meetings and see who might be interested in buying a monthly subscription to such a thing. Then the staff said "just make it public", so here it is.
It isn't really a "podcast", in that we're not recording in front of a mic, there's no production or editing or anything. Just a (fairly) straight recording of one of our monthly ordering meetings. This is probably MUCH better if you have a copy of this month's PREVIEWS in front of you to follow along with. Because of the length restrictions, you can't play the "non comics" half hour -- but, honestly, that's probably for the best.
This recording is NOT FOR EVERYONE, it is really "here's the sausage getting made".... but if you're interested in how a pair of stores view what's coming up in August, well this is for you. It is broken up in chapters based on publisher, but IF you're going to listen to it, it's probably to go All In. But only if you're interested in Sausage-making!
Anyway, thoughts and comments will be the only way we ever ever ever do this again :)
New low-tech web series from Comix Experience Outpost -- Watch it! Like it! Subscribe! It is the first one, and no one had the slightest idea of what we're doing, but I think it has a certain rough charm. In the next month or so we're also planning to add a companion show with the staff from the main store.
Embedded below, too, if I am doing this internet stuff right.
Man. the stuff you could buy out of the back of comics.
Hey, everyone! We're back with another podcast. You should download it and listen to it really loud while you watch the last episode of True Detective! (Why? I don't know. It would make the experience more cinematic, maybe? I mean, I suppose I could've taken the time to craft some outrageously satisfying joke about, uh, hmm, see, now you know the problem I'm having with that one and really the joke -- even if I could craft one, which it is now clear I couldn't -- would've only really truly been funny for a brief period of time, whereas failure is enduring and therefore timeless and therefore ever-timely and besides don't we just die in the end, anyway?)
<<jazz hands>>
Anyway, after the jump: "Show notes? I'll show you show notes, mister!"
00:00-5:28: Greetings! I must say, we are off and running in this installment, although part of the reason why I can say that is my definition of “running” includes “arguing about Taco Bell’s Waffle Taco within a minute of starting the podcast.” (This may be the reason my exercise regimens aren’t as successful as they should be.) (Also, we complain about people who talk about the word “seekrits,” (instead of “secrets”) while at the same time having to admit that we currently have “seekrits” (the term which is somehow, we realized, more innocuous than “secrets,” which sound like they could, you know, get someone killed and stuff.)) Seekrits/secrets! WE HAVE THEM AND HOPE TO SHARE THEM SOON (Oh, sure. Now I'm going to not punctuate, after the hell that was trying to track all those parentheticals.) 5:28-27:38: As you may recall, a few months back, a Whatnaut gave Jeff a free hit of the glass pipe that is Marvel Unlimited. Now (and by now, we mean, “through March 14”), anyone can get a month of Marvel Unlimited for only $0.99.
Graeme gave it a try on his Kindle Fire and here’s what he had to say. (And for what it’s worth -- yeah, I know I'm going into "paren mode" on you again -- because that same Whatnaut spent the ninety-nine cents on me, I have MU for another month and it’s been all updated since we recorded to include Marvel AR and the Dynamic Audio and re-tooled up the interface (finally, when you get to the end of the issue, you can jump to the next one). And I’d probably wax even more rhapsodically about it if it didn’t keep making me log out and back in because it suddenly randomly decides I can only see three page samples even though it says I’m a member. Once they get that fixed though…) Also discussed: Comixology getting hacked, Marvel’s possible future digital plans, we try to figure out exactly how quickly Graeme would be all over the DC equivalent for Marvel Unlimited, the recent digital sale from 2000 A.D., and more. P.S. Thanks, Matt! 27:38-31:36: Because of aforementioned 2000 A.D. digital sale, Jeff read Purgatory, Mark Millar’s lead-in to the Judge Dredd event, Inferno, with art by Carlos Ezquerra. The extent to which Mark Millar has arguably managed to win at American superhero comics and yet lose at 2000 A.D. is a fascinating, fascinating thing…although not as fascinating for Jeff as finding out that the brilliant Colin Smith (from Too Busy Thinking About My Comics) has been covering Mr. Millar’s work in bewitching detail over at the Sequart site. Most of you, like Graeme, were probably already in the know about this, but for those of you, like Jeff, who were not, that link is gold, Whatnauts. Solid gold. Also? In case you didn't feel like counting? Seven commas, my friend. Suck it. 31:36-44:27: Here’s where you get to Rog! If you want to hear Jeff and Graeme talk about the first issue of IDW’s Rogue Trooper by Brian Ruckley and Alberto Ponticelli, go to 44:27. To hear Jeff and Graeme continue to talk about Mark Millar, including his amazing “exclusive” to Comic Book Resources and his first issue of Starlight with artist Goran Parlov, keep listening! (Also mentioned: Flash Gordon, John Carter, Up, The Incredibles, and like that. Although, to be entirely honest, I don't think there is any other specific titles mentioned but I tried to cover that up by typing "and like that." Why?? You're either on board with this show or not, right? It's not like you're going to be reading these show notes if you're not listening, yes? Unless you're just really bored and even though you haven't listened to the podcast before, you're deciding to skim these show notes to get some sense of the tenor of things...but even then, why would the final deciding factor be the number of other topics we bring up while talking about Starlight? And if it was, why? What's wrong with you that something so picayune could influence you? I don't have a problem, you have a problem!) 44:27-1:00:45: Jeff and Graeme talk about the first issue of IDW’s Rogue Trooper by Brian Ruckley and Alberto Ponticelli, the appeal of Rogue Trooper generally, the character's greatest problem, and more. No, really. There's more. I'm not just saying that like I was right up there. There really is. 1:00:45-1:07:43: Since we’re talking about 2000 A.D. so much, Graeme brings up a book he’s read an advance copy of that he enjoyed with that same sort of vibe, the first issue of Magnus, Robot Fighter by Fred Van Lente and Cory Smith. That, by the way, is out this week from Dynamite, in case you're interested. I said "advance" copy but I wasn't really specific at the time. Wasn't appropriate. Would've made that sentence even more grammatically fraught. Trust me. 1:07:43-1:14:34: Afterlife With Archie #4! Believe it or not, Graeme and Jeff are still digging this book by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla (almost as Jeff likes talking about himself in the third person and writing in the first person plural. Man, no kidding. We still really like it a lot. It just never gets old. I wonder why, though. I guess, all those formative years reading SPY magazine? Although thinking about it: what's wrong with me that something so picayune could influence me? You don't have a problem! I have a problem!). But! We are digging it a lot. Like, a lot a lot. We also talk about the recent news coming out of Archie [Comics, not Andrews], such as Aguirre-Sacasa being made CCO and Lena Dunham writing an upcoming story for Archie. If you listen closely, you can tell how badly Jeff wants to talk about Girls, but perhaps fortunately for all of us, the topic is shelved for another time. 1:14:34-1:22:06: In The Days of the Mob! Graeme finally gets his hands on the reprints of Jack Kirby’s amazing (and amazingly short-lived) crime anthology series from the early ‘70s, and we go on to talk about, you know, JACK KIRBY. 1:22:06-1:26:00: By contrast, Jeff got his hands on Revenge #1 by Jonathan Ross and Ian Churchill…although it’s probably more accurate to say that he got it on his hands, if you understand what we're saying. If not, don’t worry: it’ll become pretty clear as the discussion goes on. 1:26:00-1:30:02: Vandroid #1 by Tommy Lee Edwards, Noah Smith, and Dan McCaid. It is, in some ways, very much the same as Revenge, and in some ways very, very different. Jeff also brings up Machete Kills by Robert Rodriguez, as if that movie could bridge the gap between Revenge and Vandroid, which… I don’t know. Maybe I’m overthinking it. I mean, not like the rest of this week's show notes. 1:30:02-1:44:26: Forever Evil #6! Graeme has read it. Does he overthink it? He doesn’t! It’s pretty much terrible and he tells us why. Also discussed: The status quo of the New 52, James Robinson, cognitive dissonance, and more. 1:44:26-1:49:34: By contrast, Graeme has read the Batman/Superman Annual by Greg Pak, Jae Lee, Kenneth Rocafort, and Philip Tan and quite liked it, although the fact that it retails for $5.99 does give one pause, doesn’t it? 1:49:34-2:00:02: Graeme tries to goad Jeff into a speed round to talk about the remaining books on his list and Jeff, like the good mule that he is, slows down that much more under the pressure. But he does talk about the first two issues of Bob Fingerman’s rebooted Minimum Wage; The Fuse by Antony Johnston and Justin Greenwood; Scooby-Doo Team-Up #3 by Sholly Fisch and Dario Brizuela; and the absorbing and superlative Nijigahara Holograph by Inio Asano, the latter of which Jeff just about goes breathless trying to think of enough good things to say. A truly amazing piece of work, and so incredibly worth checking out, I can’t even begin to tell you...although if you think about it, that phrase is 100% untrue in this particular instance, what with me telling you about telling you about it. Which, if you think about it, is literally how beginning to tell someone would play out. (Sure, it's not the only way -- you can just tell someone, right, I get that -- but it is a way.) 2:00:02-2:11:56: And that should be the end of it, a wrap in just a little over two hours. Except…what about The Avengers? What about our read-through of the first three hundred issues of The Avengers? Even though we tell you we’ll hold off and discuss a full twenty-five issues next time, we just can’t resist talking for just a few minutes about issues #51 through the mid-to-late sixties by Roy Thomas and John Buscema. And by "a few minutes," we mean "almost twelve." 2:11:56-end: Hey, my single, "My Single is Dropping," is dropping! (It's not, but that's what writing all this made me think of.) Closing comments! Our comments thread is currently toast, but feel free to email us or contact us on Twitter (which, if you don’t know how or where to do so, you’ll find out in this segment).
Okay, there you go. Man, I can't tell you how much I wish I had actually edited the lines "what's wrong with me that something so picayune could influence me? You don't have a problem! I have a problem!" into the podcast, that way when you were listening to it while watching the last episode of True Detective and Rustin Cohle turns to Martin Hart and says the exact same thing at the same time, you can come back to the opening of this entry, and be all "holy shit, this guy's good," and I'd be all "The Aristocrats!"
<<jazz hands>>
But, instead, what actually happened was I jumped into a separate browser window to make sure I was spelling Marty's last name right and nearly spoiled the ending of True Detective for myself. Thanks, East Coast writers.
<<jazz hands>>
Anyway, episode is on iTunes or down below. You know the score, Alan Moore. Get with the listening!
Hey there, everyone! You miss us? Well, good news, we're back--all three of us (Graeme, me, and my terrifying vocal echo that haunts much of this podcast). After the jump: show notes and promises to do better!
So, yeah. there's a bit of an echo and we're damn sorry about it. Steps are even now being taken to make sure it doesn't happen again. I was pretty sure in this case it was caused by generous application of our good friend Levelator, but in fact I think it may be the volume in my headset. Or Graeme's headset. Or Graeme's head. It's a thing we're working on, honest.
And because I want to get this to you as early as possible (which is, you know, an entire day early), let me get on those show notes...although before I do, let me remind you to jump over and check out Hibbs' analysis of the annual Bookscan numbers: I'm always a bit stunned by the amount of sheer statistical elbow grease Hibbs put into the piece. Although publishers and some bloggers are generally quick to poo-poo the accuracy of the results, I feel like there are very few places where people not on the publishing end of the industry get any chance to look at how the comics industry interacts with "the real world." It's a helluva service (and even if Hibbs were getting paid big money to write it--which I doubt--that would still be mitigated by the amount of time it takes to do it).
Anyway, off the soapbox, let's get on with the vaudeville:
00:00-10:12: Greetings! We have simultaneous hellos, which may well be a first for us. Graeme checks to make sure Jeff is recording and then fills you in on what you missed with our lost episode: super-quick coverage of Ms. Marvel #1, Loki #1, Empowered Vol. 8, The perils of being “neggo” (I think we passed on the “Leggo of my neggo” joke for reasons probably related to good sense). There’s also beard talk! Beard talk! We actually compare notes about growing beards, voluptuous or otherwise. Thank god this thing we call the Internet was developed to allow two men in different states (in both the geographic and beard-growing senses of the term) to discuss their beards and allow people from all over the world to listen in. Then we talk weather, Jeff’s snowaphobia, Dr. Who time travel sounds, all the usual stuff you’d expect. You do expect it, don’t you? You should.) 10:12-36:24: Graeme was re-reading The Best of Milligan & McCarthy and has a question for us: are we somehow past the point of non-ironic fun comics? Under discussion: Archer &Armstrong, Quantum & Woody (more ampersands in this paragraph than I've typed in a month), and a significant chat about four books by Kyle Baker (Cowboy Wally, Why I Hate Saturn, You Are Here, and Undercover Genie) which leads us down a pretty deep Nostalgia-Hole where we discuss books like Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children and Wasteland. As John Kane would say: Comics! Sometimes they are obscure and old (like the people who talk about them)! [Edit: Someone brought to my attention an interview with John Ostrander about Wasteland conducted by Copra genius Michel Fiffe over at The Factual Opinion. You should check it out! I am doing so right this very minute.] 36:24-50:28: Since Graeme has already written somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty thousand words on the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer (this one being my personal favorite), Jeff decides to take advantage of that and get the man's impressions about it. 50:28-1:14:44: From new movies to old! Prometheus made its way to HBO so Jeff got a chance to see it and…hoo boy. Fascinating enough that we are compelled to pick it apart, but don’t let this fool you into seeing it. Oh no, please. We don’t want that on our heads. Mentioned: Buck Rogers, Tom Hardy, A Reverse Man Who To Fell To Earth, prequels, The House on Haunted Hill, a secret challenge to Sean Witzke, Smallville, Marc Bernardin’s take on Gotham, The Savage Hawkman by Tony Daniel and more. 1:14:44-1:21:32: Batman #28! As the podcast’s current bat-nerd, Jeff has thoughts. He also has thoughts on the last few issues of Batman & Two-Face. Oh, yes. Yes, he does. 1:21:32-1:36:48: And we both have thoughts about “Titan,” the excellent Judge Dredd storyline by Rob Williams and Henry Flint that just wrapped up in 2000 A.D. Graeme calls it “Trifecta-level quality” so that is very high praise. Jeff also loves it but actually feels the last few issues of the mag have been perfectly balanced and thoroughly enjoyable. We talk more about the storyline, the mag, what’s happening in the Megazine, conflicting feelings re: singles v. trades, DRM v. non-DRM, and more. 1:36:48-2:05:35: Yes, we did keep up with our reading on Avengers…somehow! So we talk about issues #26-50 by Stan Lee, Roy Thomas, Don Heck, John Buscema, George Tuska, a bunch of really good inkers, and others. Also discussed: the mysteries of Hawkeye, story twists, terrible continuity, why Inside Llewyn Davis should have Hercules in it, and more. 2:05:35-end: Closing comments! Hilariously, we talk about doing a closing section with added reverb, utterly unaware that for some reason Jeff’s voice has been doubled during the podcast to a truly terrifying degree. This is a thing we vow to resolve! (Well, not in the podcast, we don't. I’m vowing it right now, here in the show notes. See? Watch me vow!)
Okay, so this is a thing that is up on iTunes and our RSS feed, but is also the sort of thing we'd be more than happy for you to listen to below, if you want:
Wait, What? Ep. 145: Doublespeak
Again, our apologies for the delay and we will see you in another fortnight! We thank you for listening and hope you enjoy.
Unrelated to this post -- I just included it because it makes me happy every time I see it.
Hey, everyone: Jeff here with a very big apology for everyone. Last week, as per our schedule, Graeme and I talked comics for two hours.
Unfortunately, the person who was responsible for recording us did not manage to push the little button that *records* our conversations. (That person will go unnamed...but only because it was me. If it'd been Graeme, I would've given him up in a heartbeat.)
I thought about giving you a rough version of the show notes anyway, based on what I remembered (and I would've tried to be oh-so-clever and called them "show nots") but I feel like that wouldn't have been especially helpful. So I decided to just leave it be.
On the up side, we usually get an extra-great essay from John Kane on our skip weeks, so maybe this will trick him into writing something else for the site this week? And maybe when Graeme and I speak next week, not only will I hit record but I'll try and mix it on the fly and get it super-early.
Anyhoo, our deepest apologies (by which I mean my deepest apologies, but once again I'm trying to drag Graeme into this even though he is entirely blameless) and thank you for your considerable patience!
Hey, so it's another installment of Wait, What?, and I think maybe this fortnightly thing is going to work out? (Provided you don't abandon us in droves or something...) Whereas our last installment was two hours and us whingeing on about the news, this one is two hours and is us whingeing about comics we've read. Brilliant!
After the jump, Jeff makes some brilliantly incorrect statements about Shaolin Cowboy in service of a perfectly good theory, Graeme fills us in on the most successfully monetized fanfic since 50 Shades of Grey, and we do that thing about the first twenty-five issues of Avengers that would finally allow an old man like me to type 'smh' except I have no idea how to pluralize that. (Plus, guest appearances by two of the more important writers in the science fiction and fantasy genres.) In short: show notes!
00:00-21:47: Greetings! As I mentioned, last time was news, this time it’s weather. No, wait, comics, I mean comics! Jesus, I am rusty. But this every other week thing has made us hungry to talk, let me tell you that. For example, Graeme knows I’ve got this theory about the most recent four issue run of Geoff Darrow’s Shaolin Cowboy, so I, uh, I really go right into it. Seriously, if you thought the biggest problem with the podcast was Jeff didn’t start throwing around crazy theories in under the first minute, this is the fast-moving podcast for you. It’s very much a full spoiler conversation, as it’s impossible for me to talk about it without talking about the very end. (Although looking at the first issue again, I see at least one helluva big hole in my theory….and after looking over the last three issues at once think my biggest argument for my theory is also, uh, not quite right. So…cave canem, y’all!)
21:47-28:11: The Fox #1 and #2, by Dean Haspiel and Mark Waid! Not nearly as extensive a theory on Jeff’s part (no theory at all, in fact, just his usual irresponsible opinions) but that means that Graeme gets more than a word in edgewise, thank goodness.
28:11-33:11: The comparisons between Dean Haspiel and Mike Allred lends itself well to Graeme weighing in on Don Slott and Mike Allred’s Silver Surfer. Also covered: we discuss Steve Englehart’s Silver Surfer... because it is Steve Englehart and because it is our heart.
33:11-53:59: Exactly five minutes later (exactly!) we end up discussing the Star Trek photonovel, Strange New Worlds, assembled by John Byrne. Somewhere in there, my voice picks up a faint echo, not unlike one of the quasi-omnipotent aliens from the first series? And then the dogs go cuh-razy? And we discuss how to best be a comic store clerk and not end up in hell? And Jeff does the best imitation he probably has ever done? And we talk about how John Byrne’s financial affairs, like that’s even a thing we might know anything about? So....a little bit of something for everyone? Or maybe a whole bunch of nothing for someone? You make the call!
53:59-57:11: Graeme asks Jeff what he thinks about the Joe Casey Captain Victory news. Jeff, as it turns out, knows nothing about it. We talk about it super-briefly (because what is there to say, apart from sweet mother of god, that art team!) and then…
57:11-1:01:47: Graeme talks about a bit about what he’s read recently, including the first Constantine trade by Ray Fawkes, Jeff Lemire and Renato Guedes, the second and third Justice League Dark trades by Jeff Lemire, Mikel Janin, and Graham Nolan.
1:01:47-1:22:41: Thanks to the holiday generosity of Whatnaut Matt Terl, Jeff got a free one month sub to Marvel Unlimited, the digital all-you-can eat service offered by Marvel. Our discussion of it is perhaps inextricably intertwined with our thoughts about stuff — to be more speciific, Peter Bagge’s brilliant The Death of the Age of Stuff — the digital economy, why audio never goes viral, and other things like Christploitation, The Power of Warlock, The Incredible Hulk, the last thing Jeff will think of before he dies (which hopefully is not the perfect seque into…)
1:22:41-1:27:48: The first twenty-five issues of Avengers! Graeme and Jeff are endeavoring to read the first 300 issues this year and talk about them: good luck on that one, since (a) our disagreements start from literally the first issue, and (b) if there are more stretches like that first twenty-five issues, then…whew. Anyway, in there Graeme starts cutting out a little bit so we have…
1:27:48-1:28:10: INTERMISSION ONE! Man, I kind of missed these. I really have to rope Graeme into doing more music for the show.
1:28:10-2:06:45: And we’re back! And Graeme’s not cutting out anymore! And Jeff no longer sounds like one of those omnipotent threats from the first series of Star Trek! Yay, technology!! Technology can’t help where the first twenty-five issues of Avengers are concerned, though: so we have to talk about their slapdash charms (or pseudo-charms, to be honest). Of particular interest: Stan Lee’s handling of Captain America, the difference between the original team and the new team, celebrity fan letters,
the world’s worst person, terrifying comic ads,
the origin of the mighty Marvel subplot, early continuity, and much, much more. 2:06:45-2:08:57: Penultimately, Graeme has some breaking news (at the time of recording) about Agents of SHIELD and Deathlok. You can actually hear Jeff’s ambivalence about this news manifest itself as a low sonic hum. 2:08:57-end: Closing comments! Remember to come back in two weeks!
This sucker is already up on iTunes and our RSS feed, but it is also the kind of thing we'd like to make available for you here:
As always, your thoughts and comments are appreciated and obsessed over to an inordinate degree! We hope you enjoy and, of course, thank you for listening!
Simpsons Alan Moore: Knows it; wishes to settle it.
Happy New Year, fellow Whatnauts! Graeme and I are back with another installment of the external manifestation of the constant internal chatter constantly haunting your brain. After the jump: the link and some hasty show notes written by a dude with a cold trying to get this wrapped so he can take a nap!
So, first and foremost: you do remember we've shifted to a fortnightly/biweekly recording schedule, yes? You're not going to miss us that much, I know, what with the hundreds of hours of entertainment pouring at you like candy-colored magma, but we do appreciate you continuing to tune in, and hope our latest round of agreeable disagreements will provide your day with a bit of pleasure...
00:00-16-49: Greetings? Our first podcast of the new year and on the plus side, we’re on it within the first ninety seconds, talking about that lengthy Alan Moore interview (that as of recording time, Graeme had read in its entirety, but Jeff, alas, had not). Unfortunately, for the first ninety seconds, there are subjects we are not nearly as “on it” (such as talking and saying the proper year out loud, etc.) But make sure you listen to Jeff and Graeme have a very polite dispute on Alan Moore/Grant Morrison’s far less polite dispute. 16:49-34:22: As much as we probably could’ve lingered on Moore’s interview forever (had Jeff read it, anyway), we had other fish to fry: we were recording on the day of the Image Expo. We go over the announcements and our impressions. (Sadly, they’re not, like, actual impressions. We don’t alternate trying to talk like Robert Kirkman or whatever, but I think you know what we mean.) 34:22-1:06:02: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Marvel got the Star Wars license! (yes, we have some old ground to catch up on.) Jeff frets about his digital collection and talks about why (in the face of mounting evidence that he should not). Also discussed: whether or not we’re excited about Marvel having the rights, age differences and Return of the Jedi, the book market, and more. [Note: the Marvel exec whose name Jeff couldn’t remember -- and whom Graeme couldn’t remember at all -- is Ruwan Jayatilleke and some of the stuff Jeff is talking about comes from here. 1:06:02-1:30:43: Discussion of the rumors that the Amazons are Kryptonian descendants in the Man of Steel sequel! Jeff wanted to talk about this rumor (originally mentioned and clarified here). Naturally, we talk a bit about The Man of Steel (since Jeff finally saw it), Star Trek Into Darkness, plans, theories, ideas, and stuff. Because I grew up in the '70s, I re-read the last part of that previous sentence and realized how much I sound like my fifth grade teacher. 1:18:23-1:30:43: “Hulk Hates Puny Relaunches!” With its third reboot in as many years, is The Hulk a title that just can’t work? Or is this barely any different than Marvel’s relaunch of Daredevil? There’s a brief lull in the conversation for 2014’s first mini-Techpocalypse but it's actually surprisingly small. Would that it were our only one. 1:30:43-1:45:27: Other topics, covered a bit more quickly: the leaked cover of Amazing Spider-Man! Original Sin, the upcoming Marvel crossover event! Shia LaBeouf! This should've led to a more in-depth conversation about comics we’ve read recently, including the Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine miniseries by Jason Aaron and Adam Kubert; and Detective Comics #27 by a mess of people including Brad Meltzer, Bryan Hitch, Francesco Francavilla, Gregg Hurwitz, Neal Adams, Peter J. Tomasi, Ian Bertram, John Layman, Jason Fabok, Scott Snyder, Sean Murphy, and others. But then we get derailed by another tech problem so instead we change gears and talk about… 1:45:27-1:54:28: Misfits! That cheeky bastard of a show recently wrapped up and Jeff finally caught up on it, and we discuss the finale. (Despite a lot of complaints on Jeff’s part, the show is worth digging up over on Hulu and having a watch, if you can put aside any preference on your part for internal logic of any kind whatsoever.) 1:54:28-end: Closing comments! Apologies! Reminders we have moved to that fortnightly schedule, so we will be back in two weeks! Closing show music!
Well, that wrapped things up, didn't it? Okay then, we'll see you -- oh, what's that? The actual podcast? Oh yeah, well, that's available by now probably on iTunes, and our RSS feed (and I was supposed to look into that other RSS service Al from House to Astonish wanted us to consider but I haven't done that yet) and, in fact, directly below:
Wait, What? Ep. 143: The Score
As always, we hope you and enjoy and thank you for listening! And now, if you'll excuse us, it is naptime in the hopes of a speedy recovery.
Not mentioned in any way in our podcast but I do love how it captures what's most important about the holidays -- conquering and invulnerability.
Ho, ho, ho! Hoist high the Jolly Roger and all that! It is Christmas, when boys become men and Boy II Men become headliners at the Mirage Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. (As always, I wish Graeme was doing this entry as the holiday spirit comes terrifyingly easy to him and is a much more uncomfortable fit for me.)
Oh, and before you read any of this, go read Abhay's post first because it is undoubtedly a million times better. Really, I can't wait to stop writing this entry so I can go back to reading his...
After the jump, I leave coal in your stocking! And also show notes for our two and a half hour end-of-2013 episode! Come, sit uncomfortably on my knee and realize you're close enough to smell what I ate for lunch! And other holiday tradition-like things!
First, because the show notes are sooooo extensive (well, really my poorly formatted, hastily assembled best-of list as mentioned in the show), let me do you a holiday solid and put the link to the show first, okay?
Wait, What? Ep. 142: Out Like a Lamprey...
Okay, now that you've got that revving, you can dig into these, our show notes for the last episode of 2013. We gave you something like 32 episodes this year--that's not so bad, right? I don't even think that counts our lost episode, our minicast, or the number of hours or whatever. I mean, we gave you well over sixty hours of entertainment--that's worth celebrating, right? I mean, admittedly it may have been more like "entertainment" than entertainment but...
[Christ, I get needy during the holidays...]
00:00-3:21: Greetings! Graeme is happy that it’s almost Christmas; Jeff is happy he is one year closer to death! So, yeah, we’ve got a lot of common ground there, as always. Opening comments include: us talking about our lost episode, us trying to touch on the year on comics, but mainly doing a very good job talking about why we were so poorly prepared to talk about the year on comics. 3:21-39:05: We do, however, get around to talking about a certain Marvel editor’s move to a certain Marvel Animation on a certain West Coast. We also talk about the move of Will Moss to Marvel, the upcoming DC move, and more topics in which I can mindlessly use the word “move.” Unsurprisingly, discussions include the fates of Daredevil (and its relaunch), Captain Marvel, Hawkeye (and Hawkeye’s publication schedule), and Avengers: Endless Wartime (okay, maybe that last one is a little surprising). 39:05-58:53: On a related note, did Marvel in 2013 become DC in 2011 without anyone caring? Graeme lays out the case. Mentioned: David Morell, Matt Fraction, Zeb Wells, roving feral gangs of art teams setting upon defenseless books and completing them, etc. Also mentioned: a really good piece by The Outhousers, the importance of corporate narratives, and how those narratives change. 58:53-1:02:43: Graeme has read Harley Quinn #1 by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Chad Hardin and has hope for it as an outreach book, as well as good things to say about the Green Lantern books. And yet he has nearly no faith in DC? Explain, Graeme! 1:02:43-1:26:23: Graeme starts to talk about the “Best of 2013” as refracted in part through his picks for Wired’s Best of list, but we quickly change topics to discuss the recently released Slayground, the latest adaptation by Darwyn Cooke of Richard Stark/Donald Westlake’s Parker novels. Spoilers ahoy, as we try to figure out why our reactions to the book are what they are (including spoilers for Lemons Never Lie, because we are crazy out of control that way). 1:26:23-1:40:52: What else did Jeff buy this week (actually, closer to a month since he hadn’t been to the store since before Thanksgiving)? Jeff quickly runs down the list because, um, I don’t know, I guess I thought we were squeezed for time? Discussed in at least a sentence or two (although sometimes at most): Batman #26 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo; Batman & Two-Face #26 by Pete Tomasi and Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray; Lazarus #5 by Greg Rucka and Michael Lark; Velvet #2 by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting; Saga #16 and #17 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples, the latest issues of The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard; Mars Attacks Judge Dredd #4 by Al Ewing and John McCrea; and issues #2 and #3 of Pretty Deadly by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Rios. 1:40:52-1:48:40: Jeff’s very incomplete, incredibly biased Best of 2013 list, reprinted here only with the proviso that there was so much great stuff in 2013, I didn’t even know about a lot of it, much less read it. But from what I read, here's what I liked:
Bought at the store, loved in the home: Works by G-Mo: Batman Inc. and Action Comics Works by Al Ewing: Zombo, Jennifer Blood, Mars Attacks Judge Dredd, The Fictional Man. the Avengers Assemble one-shots I read Works by BKV: The Private Eye (with Marcos Martin) and Saga (with Fiona Staples) Works by Brandon Graham: Multiple Warheads and Prophet (with Simon Roy, Giannis Milogiannis, and Farel Dalrymple) Works by Adam Warren: Empowered Animal Style (with John Staton), Empowered Nine Beers with Ninjette (with Takeshi Miyazawa) 2000 A.D. (Stickleback! Zombo!) Copra by Michel Fiffe
Stuff I really dug on digital:
2000 A.D. and Judge Dredd Megazine, by various: god, yes. Probably my most overall pleasurable reading experience of the year Kikaider by Shotaro Ishinomori Works by Akira Toriyama: Sachie-Chan Good!! and Jaco the Galactic Patrolman. Bandette by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover Batman ‘66 by Jeff Parker (and various including Jonathan Case although it was really that Joker story with Joe Quinones that rung my chimes) Double Barrel by Zander Cannon, Kevin Cannon, and Tim Sievert (whose Clandestinauts was really a grotty shot of energy to the last third of the run) Chris Weston’s story in The Adventures of Superman...boy, that looked amazing. Jack Kirby’s Kamandi reprints (which looks as if they’ve finally been discontinued... which breaks my fragile heart)
Trade paperbacks or books or whatever: My Dirty Dumb Eyes by Lisa Hannawalt TEOTFW by Charles Forsman Zombo: You Smell of Crime…And I"m The Deodorant, by Al Ewing and and Henry Flint Sin Titulo by Cameron Stewart Jack Kirby Omnibus Vol. 2 by Jack Kirby Superman: The Phantom Zone by Steve Gerber, Gene Colan, and Rick Veitch
Least favorite comic book movie of the year: Man of Steel (just saw it a few days ago and it bummed me out that the film had the best evocation of superpowers on film, but the worst evocation of Superman in just about any medium ever. Jesus, that was depressing.)
Favorite comic book movie of the year: Fast and the Furious 6 (not as good as 5, but it was still pretty great. Some of those actions only make sense if you believe in Jack Kirby physics, which of course is my baseline)
[Oh, and the above two are bonuses for show notes readers as I had them on the list and didn't get a chance to mention to Graeme).
Weirdo one-shots: Avengers Assemble Annual #1 by Christos Gage and Tomm Coker Ant Comic by Michael DeForge Supermag by Jim Rugg Masters of the Universe: The Origin of Hordak by Keith Giffen in a Kirby homage that just felt oversized and stunning Optic Nerve #13 by Adrian Tomine Satan's Soldier by Tom Scioli (thank you for not leaving comics, Tom!)
The solid b-level books that keep me on the hook: Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard Fatale by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips Batman & Robin by Pete Tomasi & Patrick Gleason Batman by Snyder & Capullo Archer and Armstrong by Fred Van Lente and...various?) Afterlife with Archie by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla Sex Criminals by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky Pretty Deadly by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Rios Zero by Ales Kot and various, including Morgan Jeske Lazarus by Greg Rucka and Michael Lark Superior Spider-Man by Dan Slott and various, whenever anyone would give me the code
Not this year but just the best: Hook Jaw by Pat Mills, Ken Armstrong and Ramon Sola Shako by Pat Mills, John Wagner, Roman Sola, and Juan Arancio Rogue Trooper by Gerry Finley-Day, Dave Gibbons, Colin Wilson and others Cat Shit One/Apocalypse Meow by Motofumi Kobayashi Chronicles of Conan by Roy Thomas and various The “White Zero” issue of 2001: A Space Odyssey (#5) by Jack Kirby Steve Ditko Archives: Shade The Changing Man by Steve Ditko The Boys by Garth Ennis, Darick Robertson, John McCrea and Russ Braun Yakitate!! Japan by Takashi Hashiguchi The Secret Society of SuperVilllains by a bunch of pitiful bastards including Gerry Conway, Bob Rozakis, Rich Buckler, Bob Layton & more Torpedo Vol. 1 by Sanchez Abuli, Jordi Bernet and Alex Toth
Whew! So yeah, like I said, there's a metric shit ton of great stuff that came out this year that I didn't read. But that was a list of stuff I did.
1:48:40-2:00:59: Graeme embellishes upon the list with some Marvel stuff Jeff justifiably overlooked including:
Young Avengers by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie Mighty Avengers by Al Ewing and Greg Land Iron Man by Kieron Gillen and Greg Land (and others?) Iron Man Final Frontier cowritten by Kieron Gillen and Al Ewing (digital) All-New X-Men by Brian Bendis and Stuart Immonen (and others) Wolverine and the X-Men by Jason Aaron and Nick Bradshaw (and others)
And non-Marvel stuff too: Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps by Robert Venditti and others Flash by Manapul and Brian Buccellatto Bad Machinery by John Allison American Barbarian reprints on Comixology by Tom Scioli (co-signed) (and this is where Jeff finds out Scioli is writing and drawing a cosmic Transformers/G.I. Joe miniseries and makes a high-pitched noise incapable of being recorded) various Valiant titles Works by Chris Roberson: Code Name: Action and The Shadow Kings Watch by Jeff Parker and Marc Laming (Graeme didn't mention Amelia Cole by Adam Knave, D.J. Kirkbride and Nick Brokenshire but probably only because he didn't have an actual list, and was mostly riffing off mine.)
2:00:59-2:07:46: As mentioned above, it was a really good year for comics. Jeff talks about the Comics Alliance Best of List which had stuff he is now eager to read. (In fact, I just grabbed that Ōoku: The Inner Chamber from the library just this afternoon.) Graeme goes on to talk a bit about 2014 and titles he thinks are worth looking out for, including Action Comics by Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder, Green Lantern: New Guardians, Red Lanterns and more. 2:07:46-2:27:20: Because you requested it! We talk Matt Fraction being pulled from Inhumanity and the way Marvel addressed it, Image books vs. Marvel books, what Grant Morrison is up to these days, the Affordable Care Act, and more. 2:27:20-closing: Closing comments! With an important HEAD’S UP: we are transitioning to a fortnightly (week on/week off) schedule in 2014 in order to keep us a little more sane, fresh, and feisty as we head into another year of podcasting. We are thinking of seeing if we can synchronize our schedule with House to Astonish, maybe? Please watch this space for details!
Whew! Okay, hopefully you won't mind if I play fast and loose with the tags for now? I've got my holiday shopping done but would not mind a chance to sit down and read a few comics after a busy day of running around crazy.
As we say in the podcast -- thank you to everyone who listened to us, sent us emails, sent me comics, recommended things, argued with us and each other in the comment threads, and did so much more (or nothing more than just continuing to let us blab our ever-loving hearts out). We look forward to doing it again in 2014. Please have a wonderful holiday season, a happy new year, and, as always, thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy.
The Delight that was Tony Daniels' Detective Comics. From issue #1.
Actually, it's not really that bad, but all these holidays and holiday related get-togethers are keeping us very, very busy. So! After the show notes, please join us for two hours of desperate comics blabbity-blab and the show notes dedicated to same!
So...right, then. Where were we? Ah, yes...
00:00-16:29: We are off and running, with a weirdo greeting, an equally weirdo response about the news of the death of Nelson Mandela, before moving on to discuss the Wonder Woman casting, so recently announced: what did we think? Our answers will surprise you! Unless you figured our answers were gong to be a rambling, incomplete personal anecdote from Jeff and a disagreement between Jeff and Graeme about box office earnings, in which case you can pick up your winnings at Window Seven. (One day, I'll tire of the "people gambling about when Jeff and Graeme bring up a specific topic they seem obsessed on" joke, but that day is, I fear, a long, long way off.) 16:29-20:26: Graeme has been rereading the Villains Month issues to supplement his reading of Forever Evil, and schools Jeff on DC’s event. 20:26-45:42: A transition from the DC event to the Comixology Cyber-Monday sale of New 52 trades: what first volumes trades of the New 52 would Graeme have bought? Which ones did Jeff buy? Why did Jeff use “what” for one of those questions and “which” for the other? Why so many rhetorical questions? Whyyyyy? Also discussed in this segment: a ton of Batman talk, and a long, shameful admission from Jeff about his love for Tony Daniel’s Detective Comics, the tragedy that is Hawkman, whether the awful is preferable to the competent, Jeff’s comics capriciousness this week, Rogues Rebellion by Brian Bucellato and Scott Hepburn, Suicide Squad by Matt Kindt and Patrick Zircher, and more! 45:42-1:12:14: From there we get to Letter 44 from Charles Soule by Alberto Alburquerque, Morning Glories by Nick Spencer and Joe Eisma, the Lost school of storytelling, epic stories vs. small stories, the awesome Sin Titulo by Cameron Stewart. Also discussed: Geoff Johns’ Green Lantern, what’s going on with the upcoming Inhumans series?, and more! (About Forever Evil.) 1:12:14-1:34:24: And this actually leads us quite nicely into a discussion of the Hunger Games movies—the first two films, the books by Suzanne Collins, storytelling, how they tie into Marvel movies exposition, this terrific review by Peter Rosenthal, and more. 1:34:24-1:57:11: The Spider-Man 2 trailer: worth talking about briefly? We think so? The draw of Marvel characters as cinematic, as opposed to comic book, characters, the secret of Crocodile Dundee 2, and a very funny throwaway joke from Flight of the Conchords (Season One, of course!). Also, Jeff finally talks about the Wonder Woman casting, there is a surprisingly robust squabble where we end up yelling about the Hemsworth brothers, not letting the Internet cast movies, and... 1:57:11-end: Closing comments! A reminder that we will be off, yet again, next week…so remember to listen to Graeme and I argue about the Hemsworth brothers at least twice more!
Pretty snazzy, am I right? Over two hours of comic book podcasting insanity -- actually, I don't think it's cool to talk about insanity as a value-added bonus, so maybe we should say "over two hours of comic book podcasting neuroses"...and really it's less than a minute and a half more than two hours, so... I kinda feel like maybe I should just leave it at snazzy, I guess.
Nonetheless! It's on iTunes, and it is here for you as well:
Wait, What? Ep. 141: Tomorrow's Controversies Today!
As always, we thank you for listening and hope you enjoy!!
It's Tom Scioli's American Barbarian family at a feast--that's pretty Thanksgiving-y, right?
Yes, and hello! Maybe not as late as usual, but probably twice as rushed as I managed to survive Thanksgiving #1 last week and now have to start packing and planning for Thanksgiving #2 this week.
So: behind the jump, show notes of a somewhat speedy kind and the actual podcast itself. Join us, will you not?
00:00-13:36: This is the third time we’ve recorded together in a week, so we are a bit punchy and Graeme is very busy! Initial topics covered under the "holy cow Graeme is so busy" rubric: CGI werewolves vs. practical effects werewolves, how scary Dr. Who should be, Fakesgiving, Batsgiving, Guy Fieri Tex Wasabi, and more. 13:36-28:02: Returning to the subject of Batsgiving -- what’s up with that? Jeff asks Graeme. Stephanie Brown, Catwoman’s butt, genetically designed DC artists, Lois Lane: A Celebration of 75 Years, the challenge of weekly comics, and more. 28:02-34:12: Comics we’ve read! Scooby-Doo Team Up #1 by Sholly Fisch and Dario Brizuela! (Yes, this is a book we both read.) 34:12-39:12: Harley Quinn #0 by Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Connor, and a slew of artists. Also discussed: Deadpool, Ambush Bug, humor in superhero books, redrawn page confusion, and more… 39:12-42:09: Batwoman issue #25 by Marc Andreyko with art by Trevor McCarthy, Andrea Mutti, Pat Olliffe and(!) Jim Fern. Discussed: putting your best foot forward, making trite things triter, speedily padding out your show notes entries with inessential list items. 42:09-46:45: Sex Criminals #3 by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky. Discussed: Jeff being wrong, Jeff being terrible, humor in non-superhero books, top ten tips to a ineffable, non-flabby butt, more tips for list-padding, etc. 46:45-54:53: Time for Graeme’s Agents of SHIELD update—Update! it’s still terrible! Also mentioned: Heroes, X-Files, fantasy TV flashes in the pan, etc. 54:53-1:00:24: Afterlife with Archie #2 by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla! With a bonus Gray Morrow black & white story that felt like actually felt like a generous bonus. Interestingly, despite the lesbianism and implied incest, we discussed neither, nor did Jeff mention the nagging feeling he had that he was reading brilliantly repurposed Glee fanfic, nor did we talk about the importance of discussing all the things that could have been discussed but weren't when trying to make one look like one's giving others their money's worth with regard to show notes, etc. 1:00:24-1:01:23: American Barbarian by Tom Scioli! Yes, we’ve raved about this book before but Jeff is raving about it again since, in an uncommon display of reverse serialization, Scioli is offering digital issues of the webcomic-turned-graphic-novel at .99 on Comixology. 1:01:23-1:10:36: Avengers: Endless Wartime by Warren Ellis and Mike McKone. Graeme read it, Jeff did not and his narrative strategies for show notes puffery has run out. Perhaps he should try pulling a card from the online Oblique Strategies deck! Hmmm, the strategy is "What wouldn't you do?" And so the second half of U2's career is explained. 1:10:36-1:18:33: Essential Captain America Vol. 7 by various and assorted. And a possibly crazy plan is possibly maybe hatched! Seriously, I should sit down and figure out if it's even doable, this thing we came up with. It seems pretty crazy. 1:18:33-end: Closing comments! Corrections and Amendments! A bit of shilling for Jeff’s book (with the best stuff done by Graeme, unsurprisingly)! Another link to our guest appearance on House to Astonish! And best wishes to you for a happy Thanksgiving, while acknowledging we will not be back next week!
Well, there we have it. That was smartly put together and annotated, wasn't it?
Episode is live (or liveish) on iTunes, and also available right here, by gum:
Wait, What? Ep. 140: THX-1138 GIVING
As always, we hope you enjoy and thanks for listening!
HUH? With thanks to the always-excellent Miguel Corti.
Yes, we have returned! And as always, I am late, behind, and addled. Nonetheless, join me after the jump for show notes and our latest episode, won't you?
00:00-5:18: Opening comments! Mutual flattery in the course of technological anxiety. A quick recap of what we lost in the fire (and by ‘fire,’ we mean ‘hard drive crash’). 5:18-14:49: What comics have we read in the last week? Graeme’s answer is much more impressive than Jeff’s. (But Jeff’s excuses are *much* more extensive than Graeme’s!) We discuss Torpedo Vol. 1 by Enrique Sánchez Abulí, Jordi Bernet, and Alex Toth; and a discussion of Terry Austin’s inking (one of us is Team Austin, and some are not). 14:49-41:52: Quasi-related: Graeme has an observation about Mike Wieringo’s art that leads us down the branching pathway of influence and a discussion about artists who are ubiquitous vs. artists whose influence are ubiquitous. Mentioned in detail and/or passing: MIke Golden, Dan Jurgens, Jim Steranko, John Byrne, Jim Lee, Geoff Darrow, Sal Buscema, Jack Kirby, Paul Pope, Joe Sinnott, et al. (Also, we recover a repressed memory from our lost episode about Al Milgrom!) 41:52-53:34: Talking about Mike Golden’s Batman Special leads to us talking about comics Graeme has picked up in languages he can’t read, and Jeff’s shameful inability to get into same. Mentioned: Projekt X, Dylan Dog, friend of the podcast Miguel Corti, Barbarella, Floyd Farland: Citizen of the Future, and Dave Eggers. 53:34-1:20:53: We talk about the recent Dr. Who minisode ’The Night of the Doctor,’ not just because it came out the morning we recorded this, but also because it was pretty keen. Also discussed: Stephen Moffat, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, farce, Jeff’s theory about Glory and Galactus, the first episode of the final season of Misfits. 1:20:53-1:24:22: Brendan McCarthy—old news (I guess?) but the news coverage of some of his posts broke while we were recording the lost episode so we hadn’t discussed it and finally get around to it now. Jeff tries to craft a mission statement out of the whole situation which leads to… 1:24:22-end: The startling interstellar podcasting crossover Jeff didn’t even know was happening! (Well, he knew, he just didn’t really know when it was.) If you must listen to only one dumb American lost in a sea of discreet British communications, make it this one! (And then check us out talking with the brilliant and hilarious Al Kennedy and Paul O’Brien over at House to Astonish.) Yes, this episode is kind of like our prologue issue to the Avengers-Defenders War. Actually, since our prologue has come out after our appearance on House to Astonish, I guess it's like a more recent Marvel crossover event in that regard, Infinity or something.
So, yeah. You can find us on iTunes soon if not right this very minute, but we are also below, right here:
And also check us out over at House to Astonish! And also be advised there is a 50/50 chance we might have a two week break since Jeff has two Thanksgivings to handle this year. (On the other hand, we might have an ep. next week and then a skip after that -- please stay tuned...)
Hope you are as glad to have us back as we are to be back! And as always, thank you for listening!
Hello, Whatnauts! As you can perhaps glean from the title of the post and the image and/or the tag, and/or the tracks of my tears, there won't be a podcast this week due to the most heinous of failures--hard drive failure. I tried to back up my external hard drive *for the first time ever* after recording what was a truly great podcast with Graeme.
Believe me, when I tell you: it was quite a thing. Part of it was the fact we took some controversial stands. We compared Sandman: Overture to Pretty Deadly, with Pretty Deadly being preferred in some matters. We talked about the Fantagraphics Kickstarter -- about which I was especially vexed -- and I think finally nailed our discomfort with crowdfunding.
Since it was November and I was letting myself read Marvel books from the library, we discussed the oddness that is Guardians of Galaxy: The Power of Starhawk, with much bending of the knee at the work of Mr. Steve Gerber an an analysis of how aspects of the work are oddly prescient about fan culture today. Graeme, who'd actually read a lot of books in prep (including a ton of Green Hornet issues we never got around to discussing), listened to me rave about Akira Toriyama's Cowa!, Four Color Fear, and other titles. We discussed DC's move to New York; Marvel's TV four-fer with Netflix; Jeph Loeb: Threat or Menace? with regards to the TV shows he's worked on; and there was a long discussion of the beautifully written, gorgeously drawn Bad Houses by Sara Ryan and Carla Speed McNeil that Jeff both loved and had a lot of things to wring his hands over. And Graeme and I had a fight about Supergirl statues and DC promotional DVDs that was both heated and hilarious.
In short, it was a pretty darn good podcast that I am going insist--for now and forevermore--was out very, very best podcast and now it is lost to us forever. It's like Hemingway's Suitcase, except I also lost what would've been the entirety of the Wait, What podcast if they weren't all uploaded to our server. As it is, the chance of me putting together a mega-edit of Graeme saying "Spectacular!" are even closer to zero than they were before.
So I am sorry, listeners -- we did our duty and tech failed us. Maybe one day we can do a Kickstarter to get the data recovered -- the estimate I got from this one service was that it would cost between $500 and $1400 -- but for now all we can do is apologize. (And in my case, buy a new hard drive. And rebuild my iTunes music library (which may not be that hard since I have iTunes Match, maybe?)
We will record this week so there will be an ep next week...unless something goes desperately wrong AGAIN.
As always, thank you for your patience in these matters, and Graeme and I hope you are doing well.
Ahh, nostalgia. I used to love that cover....and I know I should crop out that border. But.
Hey, Internet! My apologies in advance--things are rushed, except maybe a little more so! My Monday schedule changed around a bit so it's gonna be a rush on my part to make sure they still happen before Tuesday morning.
All of which is to say: join me after the jump for some very hasty show notes, yes?
00:00-4:07: Opening comments! Greetings, statements, insinuations. But before the paint has even started to dry on our work-related complaints…comics! 4:07-13:54: First off, Pretty Deadly. Recorded just a few hours before "Rip-Up-A-Copy-of-Pretty-DeadlyGate," we talk about our mixed feelings about this new Image title by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Rios. We talk westerns, manga, prologues, emotional investment, narrative baiting and switching, and other keen topics. 13:54-27:58: It’s a blurry line, since we’re still unpacking reactions to Pretty Deadly, but around here is where we also work in discussion of the second book in the week’s trifecta from Image’s Portland Mafia, Velvet #1 by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting. Included in the discussion: LeCarre, Bond, Val from Nick Fury, Paul Gulacy, Sandbaggers, Story X becoming Story Y, etc. 27:58-46:57: And finally, we work in the third book, Sex Criminals #2 by Fraction and Zdarsky. In the mix: amazing colors, fantastic jokes, problematic jokes, sales figures, sex skittishness, and what have you. 46:57-56:39: The first Justice League of America hardcover—Graeme has seen it, read it, and has some very good questions about it. Also discussed: the Fortress of Solitude trade, the Death of the Family trade, the draw of missing issues, things of that nature. 56:39-1:14:30: And Jeff has things to say about the Cross Manage one-shot that just ran in Shonen Jump Weekly digital. What did a huge fan of KAITO’s high-school lacrosse fantasy think of the strip’s return? Also mentioned: romance (of course), New Girl, Castle, Bones, and Deadwood. 1:14:30-1:27:33: And this kind of crazy talk leads around to an overdue discussion about the DC policy that their heroes can’t have happy romantic relationships. Included in the discussion: the many stages of Spider-Man; Earth One and the New 52; someone jumping up and down on Superman’s brain and causing him to get divorced; and the possible marital status of Iron Man. 1:27:33-1:35:05: The Secret Origin of Tony Stark over in Iron Man! We spoil the ending, and talk about the story’s big swerve, narrative v. marketing, the Superman and Wonder Woman relationship (uh, somehow?) and a few additional things thrown in there I don't quite remember at the moment. 1:35:05-1:43:15: Graeme has a rant about the Agents of SHIELD TV show. Jeff wants to hear it! Here’s the segment where we figure out how to make that happen. There’s a slight tech glitch, but it doesn’t stop us from talking about the Military-Industrial Complex and Hollywood…and Marvel Entertainment, in particular. This was recorded right around the time of the Captain America: Winter Soldier trailer which was an interesting compare/contrast. 1:43:15-end: “Speaking of Mighty Marvel Self-Critique…” Graeme also walks us through Marvel: Now What? Jeff tries to make up for his sour mood by talking about how much he’s still enjoying Yakitate!! Japan and the most excellent poop joke in Volume 8. We also end up complaining about Agents of SHIELD some more. Fortunately, Jeff thinks to ask Graeme about Halloween and this leads to a lively anecdote about “Galoshin’,” a list of costumes Graeme has worn, and we each pick comic book costumes for the other to wear. IN THE COMMENTS: give us your picks for our Halloween costumes. Best choices will be shamefacedly and resolutely ignored.
Itunes has been alerted, but the podcast should be below. The stupid file came out stupidly big so I tried to compress it. Hopefully, it's still audible (it's probably still stupidly big, I fear.)
Wait, What? Ep. 138: Gone Galoshing
Next week: is a skip week! We will be back in two weeks!
This and Battling Boy are the subjects of today's book club. Go pick up copies and argue along!
Greetings from the Cosmic Habitrail! (That is how Flash now gets from one dimension to the next, right?) Due to an overabundance of running around and an underabundance of organizational skills, I have very, very brief show notes for Episode 137, our Book Club edition. but! I do also have a two hour long podcast for you, so... <nudge, nudge>. Eh? Eh?
After the jump...both of those things!
00:00-05:28: Greetings! We start off with a short, but happy bit of news about Erotic Vampire Bank Heist. At the time of recording, EVBH was #13 in the Heist category in the Kindle store (as of the time of these notes, it's #23). (If you like pulp adventure, crazed '70s adventure, and a generous dollop of explicit sex but have not picked up a copy, check it out! Yes, those are indeed two hyperlinks to the exact same page. I am shameless like that.) 05:28-36:48: Graeme has had a busy week, improved by Marvel's solicitation text of Miracleman that, instead of using Alan Moore's name, uses the impressive nom de plume, "THE ORIGINAL WRITER." Unsurprisingly, this leads us to discuss the pro & cons of Marvel's approach in reprinting the material. Other topics included: Neil Gaiman; inappropriate spouses; the brilliance that is Hayley Campbell; beard conditioner; Joel Golby; anal bleaching; Don DeLillo; nostalgia; dick pails; and (somehow) more. 36:48-41:35: Want more comic talk with less mention of dick pails? Graeme has read the second volume of the Secret Society of Super-Villains, in a follow-up to the episode where I read the first and he is more than happy to report on his findings. 41:35-44:54: In a bit of compare and contrast, Graeme has also read Justice League of America #8, a Forever Evil tie-in issue by Matt Kindt and Doug Mahnke. 44:54-52:07: Also on Graeme's reading table: Forever Evil: Trinity of Sin: Pandora ("Yes, now it was has two subtitle,s" as Graeme puts it) by Ray Fawkes and Francis Portela, and Rogues Rebellion by Brian Buccellato and Patrick Zircher. The latter leads us to talk a bit about (of course) The Rogues, The Flash, William Messner-Loeb's run on The Flash, inexpensive Comixology reprints, Kamandi, and more. 52:07-1:04:12: From Kirby, we move on to the first subject of this episode's installment of Wait, What? The Book Club: Battling Boy by Paul Pope. It's Paul Pope doing Jack Kirby as a Miyazaki movie! (With a lot of Ditko and Fleischer Brothers' Superman cartoons thrown in there.) What could be wrong with that? Help Graeme try and solve "The Mystery of The Phantom Grouser" and see! 1:04:12-1:21:32: Al Ewing wrote Avengers Assemble #20, a done-in-one Infinity tie-in issue, which Graeme wanted to talk about, and Jeff asks about Al's Mighty Avengers. Although this is a perfect segue to talk about the next subject for WWBC, Jeff throws in .02 about the latest issue of Batman &…. by Pete Tomasi and Patrick Gleason. (It's issue #23, the one with Two-Face.) Jeff also wanted to talk about Detonator X, the pre-Pacific Rim Pacific Rim by Ian Edginton and Steve Yeowell, that's collected as the graphic novel pack-in for issue #341 of Judge Dredd Megazine. There's a bit of discussion about Beyond Zero, the pack-in from Meg #340, as well. 1:21:32-1:53:37: But finally we do get around to the second topic of the Wait, What? The Book Club: Zombo: You Smell of Crime…And I"m The Deodorant, by Al Ewing and and Henry Flint. It's a little tough to just jot out a quick list of stuff we throw into the mix while talking about this because so much is in this book. But needless to say, The Beatles, Robocop, Steve Gerber, the Rutles, Nick Fury, Frank Miller and Jack Kirby, 2000 A.D. and Donald Trump, and much more are mentioned, but the brilliance of this book is actually really, really hard to accurately sum up or oversell. It's really brilliant stuff and you should pick it up, whether you listen to us blather about it or not. 1:53:37-end: Closing comments! We talk about the possibility of "best of" lists, a bit more about Secret Society of Super-Villains, classic DC's weird obsession bylaws, Justice Legion, our future podcasting schedule and more!
The podcast is up on iTunes and it is also below. Please check out Brian's shipping list, John Kane's fine round-up of comics he's read, and other lovely bits and pieces below (Brian's piece on understanding how to order books in the direct market over at Comic Book Resources is also great). We wouldn't want to rob you of the experience.
Next week: Next week! We'll see you then!
Anyone remember in what book Tolkien references the Battle of the Open-Faced Sandwich? Infographic/opening salvo by the invincible Kate McMillan.
Oh, man. I hope that infographic does not hog up too much of our precious SavCrit real estate--please don't miss Abhay writing about Lazarus or that piece about how DC ran its print runs for Villains Month, or other fine entries!
Also, do join us after the jump for shownotes for our latest "Reunited-and-it-feels-so-good-except-Graeme-and-I-exchange-words-about-Game-of-Thrones-so-how-good-can-we-feel-really?" podcast!
0:00-22:17: Hey, we are back and we are discussing some of the groovy NYCC announcements that the savvy Mr. McMillan knew at the time of recording. Among the various bombshells dropped: Priest and Bright back on Quantum & Woody; DC's announcement of the Batman weekly, Batman Eternal; and a huge block of time wherein Graeme tells us about the Marvel announcements, including Trial of The Jean Grey; the Black Widow's new title; Al Ewing on a new Loki title; Ales Kot taking over on Secret Avengers; Avengers Undercover; All-New Ghost Rider #1 (which sounds pretty ridiculous but as I've since found out Felipe Smith of Peepo Choo fame is writing it, I'd be into it, and ditto on the Disney title written by Witch Doctor's Brandon Seifert); and much, much more. 22:17-55:14: But there were also some pretty great comics that came out in our semi-skip weeks too and we sit down to talk about those too: a very brief discussion of Paul Pope's Battling Boy (Graeme had read it; Jeff hadn't); Saga #14 (see? It's been a while, hasn't it?) which leads into a talk about…TV(?) including the season debuts of Parks & Recreation, Nashville, New Girl, and others; The Star Wars #2 (with some impressive kvetching from Graeme) and which features this:
(sorry about the dumb reflective lighting in the pic, we have pretty awful lighting in our place)
Empowered: Nine Beers with Ninjette; Fatale #17; IDW's Powerpuff Girls #1 by Troy Little; Rocket Girl #1 by Amy Reeder and Brandon Montclare; and Batman #24 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo.
55:14-1:07:50: Additionally, Graeme has read Superman Wonder Woman #1; Green Lantern Corps #24, Forever Evil: Arkham War #1; and the first issue of Coffin Hill by Caitlin Kittredge and Inaki Miranda, and goes on to discuss them, thank goodness, otherwise I would've really wasted some time typing those names out.
1:07:50-1:13:01: Graeme has also read Kings Watch #2 by Jeff Parker and Mark Laming, and a copy of First Second's Fairy Tales Comics in which Chris Duffy has assembled a powerhouse of comic talent--it is worth looking out for. By contrast, Jeff scratches his weary head over Walking Dead #115.
1:13:01-1:17:33: And yet, we were both surprised and delighted by Afterlife with Archie by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla (The interview with Aguirre-Sacasa that Jeff calls out is available here. The image Jeff chooses to babble about briefly that you can't see because we are an audio podcast is this one:
1:17:33-1:21:16: Compare and contrast with Shaolin Cowboy #1 by Geoff Darrow from Dark Horse Comics? How can one? And yet, Jeff does. 1:21:16-1:39:56: Lazarus #4. Lazarus has received a pretty good drubbing on this site, but Jeff continues to read it. If you want to hear a new, far-more-inarticulate set of frustrations with the title, these are the few minutes for you! 1:39:56-1:45:16: Our most controversial topic yet--the open-faced sandwich! (See above.) Little did Jeff know when he recorded his solocast that he was inviting tremendous dissent from many…most especially the formidable Kate McMillan. (Again, see above.) 1:45:16-1:59:44: And, finally: we talk about the long-gestating secret project that's been keeping Jeff busy seemingly forever -- the electronic imprint Airport Books and its first title, the reprint of E.J. Ehlers' never-before-printed Erotic Vampire Bank Heist. Although we aren't the type to shill heavily (for ourselves, anyway), Graeme is kind enough to help Jeff do so here, and we do hope that if this is the sort of thing you're interested in, you consider picking up a copy for your Kindle or Kindle reading app. 1:59:44-end: Closing comments! A bit of excited blurbing about the Zombo trade leads to the promise/threat of a Zombo book club for next week! Here's the cover so you know what to look for:
(See, I told you we don't shill for ourselves....)
And but so!
The podcast is on iTunes (probably, maybe, probably) but it is also here for your audible delectation:
Wait, What? Ep. 136: Finally, Finally, Finally.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go celebrate the launching of my imprint in fine style and go get my teeth cleaned and drilled. (On the plus side, the nitrous will probably give me hallucinations of chatting with Amanda Urban over some choice canapes, so maybe that's the perfect launch party.)
Thank you for your kindly attention, and we'll be back with ep. 137 next week!
If nothing else, all of this has put me on the fast track to buying Swimming to Cambodia on DVD.
Hey, everybody: we were supposed to podcast, Graeme and I, after I returned from New York but since things didn't quite come together <<shoots withering look at my Internet connection>>, it didn't quite come together. So I thought I'd give it a go at trying the solocast thing that Graeme did so well and so charmingly.
Anyway, it's longer, it's rougher, and it raises more questions than it answers (questions like: why did I think I liked this guy? and: who do we have to pay to make sure this never happens again?). But hopefully it'll tide you over until Graeme and I can again form the strange Voltronesque entity that is this podcast.
It's on iTunes! It's right here below! It mentions Kirby & Copra & Momofuku Noodle Bar & Brad Pitt & Sex Criminals & sandwiches & albinos! I apologize for it here and now, but hope it helps kill some time and/or brings amusement and/or can be used to torment the unsuspecting.
We thank you for your patience and patronage. And by 'we,' I mean, 'I thank you for your patience and patronage.' Dear God, do I thank you.
Behind the scenes of the latest podcast.
Jeff Lester No More! Okay, that's not entirely true -- he'll back back next week.
The Lester Travel Schedule meant that he wasn't available to record this week's podcast, and so I took it upon myself to record the first (and, hopefully, only) solo Wait, What? ever because both Jeff and I felt really, really bad about springing another skip week on you with no notice. It's not really a real episode -- it's only 22 minutes long! -- but it does, finally, see me tackle the remainder of those questions you lovely listeners asked of us way back in December last year. Who said this isn't the Mighty Marvel Age of Taking A Really, Really Long Time To Get Around To Things?
The ep should be up in iTunes very soon, but you can also listen to it here. Everything'll be back to normal next week, I promise.
From the entertainingly wrong-headed Secret Society of Super-Villains trade paperback.
I am so bummed I made that reference to the opening of "Don't Believe The Hype" a few weeks back, because now that I've got a trip coming up I could've made a "I've got so much travel on my mind" pun...but now, no, I can't.
Anyway, after the jump, show notes for this late-to-bed, early-to-rise episode of Wait, What?
Yes, well, once again, under the gun, you know how it goes. Got less than 48 hours to hop on a plane and have easily 48+ hours worth of chores, so:
0:00-4:28: Greetings! And greetings! And greetings! A plan thwarted, and more non-comics talk. 4:28-25:32: Comics--we do remember to discuss them relatively quickly into the process. We start with DC's attempted homicide of Graeme via Villains Month comp copies. (If you listen carefully around the 6:34 mark, you can hear the strange corduroyesque whiffle of comics with the 3-D covers being pushed around). Discussed: Darkseid, Reverse Flash, The Court of Owls, H'el, Cheetah, Lobo, Harley Quinn, The Riddler, and more. 25:32-33:19: Graeme re-read Forever Evil #1, and then read the deluxe edition of JLA: Earth Two; the Black Manta Villains Month issue; and what the fuck is up with Aquaman's villains, generally. 33:19-44:33: Jeff asks Graeme about Infinity since that is a thing he can do. Graeme moves very quickly from there to Mighty Avengers by Al Ewing and Greg Land--you may be surprised by which member of that team we spend the most time talking about! Also, for those of you, like Graeme, who were not aware of the Hungarian suicide song Jeff references, you can check it out here. 44:33-48:17: Jeff can't talk about Mighty Avengers by Al Ewing, but he can talk about Mars Attacks Judge Dredd by Al Ewing and John McCrea. 48:17-1:04:28: Also covered from the amazing week of comics that was our week off: Murder She Writes by John Allison; 2000AD Prog #1850, featuring Damnation Station by Al Ewing and Mark Harrison; what is happening with the Megazine; and the differences between what sells in American comics as opposed to British comics; whether or not a bi-monthly book might work in the direct market; and more! 1:04:28-1:29:01: Jeff purchased and took delight in the very consistent awfulness of The Secret Society of Super-Villains trade paperback, by Gerry Conway, Pablo Marcos, David Kraft, Bob Rozakis, Rich Buckler, Bob Layton and more. Hopefully, I have the wherewithal to put up the photos I took of some of these pages because they are pretty amazing. Oh wait, here are a couple that we do indeed reference in our talk:
Darkseid, his dramatic potential fully realized by Pablo Marcos, Ernie Chua, and Vince Colletta;
Face forward, true believers! I think this is a deliberate spoof of Kirby poses; Graeme was thinking Gil Kane (by Rich Buckler and Bob Layton);
And speaking of True Believers, Funky Flashman is in most of these issues and by the end, the visual reference used is, uh, pretty darn direct (by Rich Buckler and Bob Layton)
Also included: an all-too-brief discussion of Marvel's similarly addled Super-Villain Team-Up (no accompanying visuals, alas). 1:29:01-1:49:32: One book that both Graeme and I read this week (and--spoiler!--enjoyed) the first issue of Zero by Ales Kot, art by Michael Walsh, colors by Jordie Bellaire. And Jeff thinks Graeme would really enjoy the "jam" issue of Prophet by Brandon Graham and everybody else. Leads to a discussion about comic book writers, writers who write visually, and writers who are interested in created uniquely visual works. How does this lead us back to the discussion of the ads in the Villains Month 3-D books as opposed to the 2-D books? I'm editing this, and even I don't know. 1:49:32-2:01:04: That does lead us into a discussion of the ads in Batman '66, which are different. The advantage to this is, we get to talk about all the delightful stuff Jeff Parker and assorted artists are doing on Batman 66. Also covered: the Top Shelf sale that was going on while we recorded, and is still going on as this first gets posted. And that leads us to talking about the stuff available digitally for 2000AD, and comparing the prices for day-and-date-DRM'd digital subscription, and the DRM-free direct from the digital store stuff. 2:01:04-end: Closing comments! We are very confused about our recording schedule since Jeff will be traveling to New York. We…think we will be back next week?
Anyway, that's the name of that tune, as Robert Blake used to say back in the days when he was quaint and not utterly terrifying. You can find the ep. on iTunes and you can find it here. The choice...is yours!
Wait, What? Ep. 135: Err Travel
Image unrelated to excuse; I just love Toriyama's art is all. From Jaco The Galactic Patrolman.
Yeah, I wish I had something a little more to add here but...in case you missed the buried-in-the-show-notes announcement, we are off this week. We will be back next week (at least so I'm inclined to believe) and then probably the week after that, and then almost assuredly taking the week after that off. Travel broadens the mind, but narrows the calendar.
Anyway, we hope your ears have a relaxing week, and we look forward to checking back in with you again soon.