Comix Experience first opened April Fool's Day, 1989, and has built a lot of memories over that time. This page has some of the photos, files, and mementos from decades of comics retailing!
The above video was shot during our 21st anniversary party in 2010. Thank you to everyone who said such wonderful things about us.
We’re Honored!
This Certificate of Honor for our 30th anniversary was given to us by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, led by Supervisor Vallie Brown. This touched us so much!
We've had a lot of great artists create window displays for us over the decades!
This and the following few things are click-through slideslows. There are scores of amazing pieces of art if you click the left and right arrows.
All of the window displays are in our big bay windows — they are roughly five feet wide, eight feet high, and roughly three feet deep, so this is a huge space to fill! (And, yet, a pretty cool Ambassador For Comics for a central San Francisco thoroughfare)
Seriously! Click through the gallery, it’s a decent use of your time if you like comics.
A Very Doom Patrol Thanksgiving. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by Chris Hsiang. Doom Patrol is (c) DC Comics. Done for laughs one Thanksgiving.
Bring Me A Dream. Art by Chris Hsiang. Sandman is (c) DC Comics. Our first window display. Done for Neil Gaiman signing circa Sandaman #9.
The Last Super. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by David Marshall. All characters (c) respective owners. Done just because it's cool.
A Gaiman You. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by David Marshall. Sandman is (C) DC Comics. Done for the "A Game of You" tour.
August Cafe. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by Chris Hsiang. All characters (c) their respective owners. Done for a series of August signings: Jill Thompson, Lewis Shiner, Alan Grant, Garth Ennis, Dave McKean.
Autobio Signing. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by David Marshall, Chris Hsiang. Characters are (c) themselves. Done for signing by Chester Brown, Joe Matt and Lloyd Dangle.
Walking Dead. Photo by Matt Delight.
Cerebus. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by Chris Hsiang. Cerebus is (c) Dave Sim. Done for Dave Sim signing.
A Deadman Xmas. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by David Marshall. Deadman is (c) DC Comics. Done for one of the five annual Kelley Jones Pre-Christmas Signing Bashes.
Demon & Lobo. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by Chris Hsiang. Done for an Alan Grant signing.
Expand Your Mind. Art by Chris Hsiang. (c) Comis Experience. Done mostly to promote First's Classics illustrated line.
Grendel Tales. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by David Marshall. Grendel is (c) Matt Wagner. Done for signing with James Robinson & Teddy Kristiansen.
A Grendel Xmas. Art: David Marshall. Grendel is (c) Matt Wagner. Grendel Xmas was a seasonal window.
Groo. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by David Marshall. Groo is (c) Sergio Aragones. Done for Groo #100 signing with Sergio, Mark Evanier, Stan Sakai, Tom Luth.
Holy Terror. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by David Marshall. Batman & Superman are (c) DC Comics. Done for signing with Alan Brennert & Norm Breyfogle.
Tribute to Jack Kirby. Window by DAS. All characters (c) their respective owners. Done when Jack Kirby passed away.
Love & Rockets. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by Chris Hsiang. Love & Rockets characters (c) Gilbert & Jaime Hernandez. Done for signing by Hernandez Brothers.
Marshall Law. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by Chris Hsiang. Marshall Law is (c) Pat Mills & Kevin O'Neill. Done for the hell of it.
Rocketeer. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by David Marshall. Rocketeer is (c) Dave Stevens (I think). Done for the Fourth of July.
Sandman Gate. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by David Marshall. (c) Comix Experience. Done for "Seasons of Mist" tour.
Swamp Thing Halloween. Art by Chris Hsiang. All characters (c) of their respective owners. Done for Halloween.
Transmetropolitan. Art by Thierry LeLong. Transmetropolitan (c) Warren Ellis & Derick Robertson. Done to promote Transmet.
Tundra Signing Day. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Art by Chris Hsiang. (c) Comix Experience. Done for "Tundra Day: signing with Mike Allred, Michael T. Gilbert, Mark Bode, Paul Mavrides, JimWoodring, Al Columbia.
Green Lanterns. Art by Chris Hsiang. Green Lantern characters (c) DC Comics. Done for signing by Gerard Jones for Green Lantern: Mosiac #1
Action Figures. Photo by Dennis McGovern. Window by Brian Hibbs. All characters (c) their respective owners. Window took nearly 8 hours to construct, and within two nights someone broke the glass and stole (only) the Flash figure running up the left hand side.
Alice & the LOEG. Window by Susan Riddle. The LOEG is (c) Alan Moore & Kevin O'Neill. Done on pure whimsy.
M.O.D.O.K. Window by Matt Delight. Photo by Brandon Joseph Baker. M.O.D.O.K. is (c) Marvel Comics. Done for the store's 17th anniversary.
V for Vendetta. Window by Matt Delight. Photo by Brandon Joseph Baker. (c) Alan Moore & David Lloyd. Done when the film was released.
Rogan Gosh. Photo by Brandon Joseph Baker.
Captain America. Window by Matt DeLight.
Fight Like A Grrrrl. Window Design by Emma Munger. Photo by Seth Rosenblatt.
Sticks Angelica. Window by Emma Munger and Julie Fiveash. (c) Michael DeForge. Done for a signing with Michael DeForge.
Shut Up and Ride. Window by Emma Munger. Ghost Rider (c) Marvel. Motor Crush (c) Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr.
The Black Panther. Black Panther (c) Marvel. Done for the movie release February 2018.
2024’s 35th anniversary window. By Katie Borrman
Signings Galore!
Neil Gaiman
Al Columbia
Alan Grant. Photo by Dennis McGovern.
Bob Shrek
Bryan Talbot
Charles Soule
Dave Mckean
Dave Sim (l), Gerhard (c), Brian Hibbs (r)
Javiar Saltares (l), Gary Barger (r)
Jill Thompson
Jim Woodring
Kelley Jones (l), Harlan Ellison (r)
Kelley Jones(r), Greg Baisden (l)
Los Brothers Hernandez Mario , Gilbert Jaime
Mark Bode
Matt Wagner
Michael Allred (r), Michael T. Gilbert (back)
Michael T. Gilbert (front), Michael Allred (back)
Mike Dringenberg
Neil Gaiman (r), Tom Vernale (l) as Dream
Neil Gaiman
Paul Dini
Paul Mavrides
Sam Keith (l), Brian Hibbs (c), William Messner Loebs (r)
Samm Hamm writer of first Batman movie (l), Brian Hibbs (r)
Sergio Argones
Steve Oliff
Brian K. Vaughan (l), Brian Hibbs (r)
Craig Thompson
The Pander Brothers
Gene Luen Yang
Tyler Crook (l)
Zander Cannon
Box Brown
Ken Garing
Lorena Alvarez (m)
Gabrielle Bell
Kevin Wada
Hamish Steele
Please use the arrows on the side to click through. There’s a lot of pictures for you to discover.
Comix Experience has held scores and scores of signings in the past, including (in no particular order) just some of the many many many appearances that have occurred: Neil Gaiman (five times!), Sam Hamm, Matt Wagner, Chris Marrinan, Al Gordon, Erik Larsen, Sam Kieth, William Messner-Loebs, Kelley Jones, The Pander Brothers, Pepe Moreno, Gerard Jones, Larry Welz, Dan Vado and Scott Saavedra, Dan Brereton, James Hudnall, Dave McKean, Robt. Williams, Mike Dringenberg, Alan Grant, Dan Clowes, Jo Duffy, Lois Buhalis, Colleen Doran, Wendy Pini, Bryan Talbot, Mark Bode, Garth Ennis, Lewis Shiner, Norm Breyfogle, Steve Oliff, Harlan Ellison, Grant Morrison, Matt Hollingsworth, Steve Dillon, Warren Ellis, Darick Robertson, Jim Lee, The Hernandez Brothers, Jill Thompson, Linda Medley, Rachel Pollack, James Robinson, Teddy Kristiansen, Dave Sim, Gerhard, Jeph Loeb, Tim Sale, Alan Brennert, Paul Pope, Teri Wood, Michael Cohen, Howard Chaykin, John Francis Moore, Paul Mavrides, Jim Woodring, Trace Beaulieu, Kevin Murphey, Kurt Busiek, Gary Amaro, P. Craig Russell, Sergio Aragonés, Mark Evanier, Bob Shrek, Tom Luth, Stan Sakai, Peter Bagge, Al Columbia, Michael T. Gilbert, Trina Robbins, Angela Bocage, Nina Paley, Kris Kovick, Cheela Smith, John McCrea, Javier Saltares, Mike Allred, Ted Naifeh, Chad Michael Murray, Craig Thompson, Charles Soule, Leela Corman, ILYA,...and even more creators that we’re not going to list lest this becomes a completely unreadable wall of text!!
More recently we started two different Graphic Novel Clubs, one for adults, and the other for kids. Videos of our interviews with the involved creators can be found here, and you can find a collection of the bookplates produced for our monthly selections here.
Comix Experience Art Direction
Over the years there have been a variety of amazing artists doing incredible works of art for our fliers and such: here is just some of what’s been done over the years! (including some early ugly ones from the boss!) — just click through to experience a panoply of exciting fliers/ads that have been done over thirty years. Gosh, we barely feel like a teenager!
Comix Experience 5th Anniversary Magazine
5th Anniversary Magazine PDF
Wayyyyyyy back in 1994, Comix Experience published a 24-page magazine to celebrate our fifth anniversary, featuring new art and comics from Dave Sim, Matt Wagner, Neil Gaiman, Terry Moore and many many others. We've lovingly scanned our sole remaining copy (yes, you can even see the wrinkles and stains it has gotten over the years) for your joy and entertainment.
Tilting at Windmills
Brian Hibbs has been writing for a long time (decades!) about comics retailing and we have the earliest years archived here on the Tilting at Windmills page! NEW editions of TaW are produced regularly at The Comics Beat.
Visit our shop at the address listed below or subscribe to our Graphic Novel Club Online!
General Inquires:
Comix Experience
305 Divisadero St.
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 863-9258
Our Online Store (Available 24 hrs a day!)
Monday 11am-5pm
Tuesday 11am-5pm
Wednesday 10am-7pm
Thursday 11am-6pm
Friday 11am-6pm
Saturday 10am-7pm
Sunday 11am-6pm
The Savage Critics
Brian once ran a comics review site with many talented writers; it has since been shuttered, but we wanted to make sure the content didn't get erased, so we have it all right here for you to while away an afternoon or three.
Other misc things!
Not everything fits into easy categories? There are odds, there are ends, and here many of them are.
This is Thundercat. He’s an awesome bass player; and this cover to BASSPLAYER magazine has our racks in the background