Insider Baseball: Comix Experience's June 2015 Ordering meeting "Podcast"  

This is probably not a thing that we're going to post publicly every month (at least not where it is currently hosted, which only allows 3 hours of upload for no ongoing monthly payment), but I thought as a value-add to my comics consulting side business ( that maybe we'd try to record one of our ordering meetings and see who might be interested in buying a monthly subscription to such a thing.  Then the staff said "just make it public", so here it is.

It isn't really a "podcast", in that we're not recording in front of a mic, there's no production or editing or anything.  Just a (fairly) straight recording of one of our monthly ordering meetings.  This is probably MUCH better if you have a copy of this month's PREVIEWS in front of you to follow along with.  Because of the length restrictions, you can't play the "non comics" half hour -- but, honestly, that's probably for the best.

This recording is NOT FOR EVERYONE, it is really "here's the sausage getting made".... but if you're interested in how a pair of stores view what's coming up in August, well this is for you.  It is broken up in chapters based on publisher, but IF you're going to listen to it, it's probably to go All In.  But only if you're interested in Sausage-making!

Anyway, thoughts and comments will be the only way we ever ever ever do this again :)
