Shop Update: Double Barrel Achievement Unlocked!
Hey, everybody. Jeff here with a double reminder that:
(a) Double Barrel #5 is out today; and (even better)
(b) all issues of Double Barrel are available for purchase from the Savage Critic store!
As regular listeners to the Wait, What? podcast know, Graeme and I are huge fans of this two-talent monthly anthology from Top Shelf. Each new issue is $1.99 and usually features approx. 1oo+ pages of great comics and enjoyable comics crafting essays. (Issue #4 is only 81 pages.) But since Top Shelf drops the price on the previous issues, you can get issues #1-4 for at $0.99 a pop. There are two main recurring serials: Zander Cannon's Heck, about a modern-day adventurer who uses his house's portal for Hell as a business opportunity, and Kevin Cannon's Crater XV, a sequel to his Far Arden graphic novel, about a washed-up cantankerous sea dog who gets immersed in arctic high seas adventure. (Don't worry, I hadn't read Far Arden when I started in with issue #1 of Double Barrel and it didn't trip me up at all.)
So my quick notice here is sort of a two-fold plea: for those of you who've picked up Double Barrel on our recommendation, I hope you'll consider purchasing the latest issue through our digital store. I know it's a bit of a hassle to flip between two different comics apps (Comixology and iVerse's Comics Plus viewer) but it would throw a small bit of change in our pockets. And if you still haven't picked up Double Barrel--take the time, energy and the dollar and get the 122 page first issue. It's great stuff, and both Cannons, Zander and Kevin, are more than just brave and daring adventurers in this digital wilderness: they're also top-notch cartoonists and storytellers.
Unfortunately, Double Barrel wasn't available in our shop from day one, and it took some emails and communication with the hard-working staff at Top Shelf (Thank you, Chris Ross!) and the people at Diamond Digital to make sure we had access to us. Making this available was important to everyone involved--it certainly was important to me because I think Double Barrel is a great, affordable read (even more so now that previous issues are less than a buck!) and a possible outlier of the future of digital comics that can work in tandem with direct marketplace shops. I hope it's an experiment you will be enough of a daring adventurer yourself to investigate...and I hope you consider investigating it through our shop.