Wait, What? Ep. 66: Winter Oner-Land
The image above ties into the podcast in only the most tangential of ways (we discuss Frank Springer for the merest of moments) but I had to include this image, in no small part because I've been enjoying Graeme's Comics Advent Calendar over at Blog@ Newsarama so much. (And because...the Hatemonger for the Holidays? May be even more topical now than when it was published...)
So, anyhoo. We had one of those podcasts where we only spoke for around ninety minutes and there wasn't much of a place to cut it very neatly. (I wasn't crazy about doing an hour ten for part one, and thirty minutes for part two.)
So this is a "oner" episode for you, with Mr. McM and I talking about the recently releasedDefenders #1, the power of secret shout-outs, Dark Horse Digital's recent pricing hullaballoo, Avengers vs. X-Men, Bendis leaving Avengers, Spaceman #2, OMAC #4, Daredevil #6, the Lethal Weapon comic that never was, Flash #3, Secret Avengers and Wolverine (both at issue #19) and, yes, of course, The Muppet Movie. It is so very close to being an hour and forty minutes (so! very! close!) and yet, somehow, it isn't.
Is it on iTunes? Probably! But it is most certainly here for you right now:
Wait, What? Ep. 66.1: Winter Oner-Land
Our plan is to record this week and, God help us, next week so there should be a steady stream of our patented level of giggly jibber-jabber to carry you into the new year. As always, we hope you enjoy! And thank you for listening.