
Gotta go to work in a few here -- Lester is on "vacation" (something about a nude midget chocolate factory?), so I have to go cover his shift. Curse you Lester, you infernal bastard!! I spend yesterday's shift doing "industry reading" Wizard, CBG, etc. There go my brain cells. So I only have 4 comics here to discuss. By tomorrow I plan to go over this week's trades, then take Sunday off and hopefully, Monday wrap up the last of this week's reviews just in time to get another pile of new comics.

This is my life. Week in, week out, over and over again.

BATGIRL #54: That was kinda cool -- the story actually turned on her illiteracy, and something mean was said. Good.

CAPER #10: A little too over the top, but there were some good one-liners here -- I can't see this being sustainable for 44 more pages though? OK

METAL HURLANT #12: Anthologies are usually pretty uneven, but I thought this first MH published under the DC co publishing deal was pretty solid from cover to cover -- as a a first, I don't think there was a story here I didn't enjoy. This was as good as Heavy Metal once was, decades ago. Good.

PLANETARY #20: Damn damn damn fine stuff. We finally meet the Thing, and take him out all at once. Barrelling towards a conclusion -- one uglier than we expect, I suppose. Excellent.


That's it for now -- be back soon.

