Wait, What? 57.1: Ones Divided by Two
Howdy, everyone. My apologies in advance for such a rushed entry, but I'm actually taking a break from editing 57.2 and my concentration is a little bit on the "shot" side of things. Although I'm very happy San Francisco has decided to grace us with some lovely, lovely weather, my apartment is too hot in a "why doesn't my brain work?" kind of way. (Now I know how the rest of the U.S. felt this summer...)
Anyhoo, Wait, What? 57.1! It's very nearly an hour, and Graeme McMillan and I discussing not only the Miles Morales-based Ultimate Spider-Man #1 and the subime Daredevil #3, but also New 52 books like Deathstroke #1 ( with some spoilers), Red Lantern #1, Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #1, Demon Knights #1, Suicide Squad #1, Green Arrow #1 and Justice League International #1, as well as discussion about the August estimated sales numbers from ICV2. Also! A delicious waffles update!
[I feel like I should cue the Entertainment Tonight theme music here.]
Sensible lads and lasses undoubtedly uncovered this installment already on iTunes, but the rest of us can listen right here, right now:
Wait, What? Ep. 57.1: Ones Divided by Two
You'll be happy to now the gripping finale is right around the corner, and, as always, we thank you for listening!