Wait, What? 11.1: We've Got Soul, but We're Not (Seven) Soldiers...

Photobucket Yep, it's true--somehow Graeme and I are still managing to make time, talk, record, edit, and upload episodes without utterly descending into utterly braindead gibberish noises--I mean, sure, Episode 11.1 starts off with us talking about the weather (and Wolverine!) but we also talk about the Final Crisis hardcover, New X-Men, and Graeme's re-examination of Seven Soldiers is really interesting, excited stuff. You can grab it off Itunes or, if you prefer, listen to it here:

Wait, What?, Ep. 11.1

My apologies to those of you who've been kind enough to leave feedback in the comments that we haven't had a chance to respond to directly (VoodooBen, I've been meaning to give you a direct response to your Kick-Ass question for days now....) but I wanted to let you know it's much appreciated by both Graeme McMillions and myself...

Anyway, thanks for the feedback and for listening and we should have another installment for you soon!