Wait, What? Ep. 51.1: You and Me and USM
My hope is the days of iTunes drama is behind us and Wait, What? Ep. 51.1 has already begun a safe and steady trek to your listening device of choice, but if not and it leaves you hanging (as it did some of us for the better part of the week with our last episode), please feel free to listen to it here. It's got everything you could want in a comics podcast: Graeme McMillan! Miles Morales! Jack Kirby! Nick Spencer! Alan Moore! The library! (Oh, and also me and Marvel and Secret Avengers and legal wrangling as wrangled by two individuals utterly untrained in the art of said wrangling...):
Wait, What? Ep. 51.1: You and Me and USM
Pull up a chair and hunker down--the second installment should be around before you know it! (Hopefully, on iTunes as it is under heaven...) Thanks for listening!