Wait, What? Ep. 74: Who Before Watches the Before Watchmen?

Photobucket I hope you have your calendar cleared until 2014, because that's how long it's going to take before Graeme and I get to answering all your questions from this thread.

Honestly, how were we to know Before Watchmen was going to launched the day before we were scheduled to talk?  As the astute listener may note, we were pretty reluctant to launch into the topic and how clearly tried to get it out of our system beforehand...but like one of those county fair snacks gone bad, it keeps finding new and horrible ways to re-surge and expel itself.

So join us, won't you, for Wait, What? Ep. 74?  The first eighty minutes is Graeme and I talking Watchmen, Before Watchmen, Multiversity, Darwyn Cooke, Amanda Conner, Len Wein, John Higgins, Dave Gibbons and the mighty sleeveless one himself, Alan Moore.

Then for the next fifty or so, we answer your questions.  Five of them.  But in the course of doing so, we also manage to gas on about Batman: Leviathan, Mike Baron and Steve Rude's Nexus, Jack Kirby's Machine Man, books we regret recommending, The Drops of God, Earth X, Fantastic Four, Micronauts, Chris Claremont's last storyline on Uncanny X-Men, the Image anniversary, and more.

An infernal pact was made and sanctified with waffles to bring you the latest episode on iTunes, but an emergent loophole allowed us to also share it with you here and now:

Wait, What? Ep. 74: Who Befores Watches The Before Watchmen?

We hope you enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

Wait, What? Ep. 68.2: Startkicker

Photobucket It's the conclusion of Episode 68 and our last episode for 2011! (Hopefully, it was be as carefree and as easy to find and listen to as part one was an epic tragedy.) Join Graeme McMillan and me on a speedy 75 minute tour of the highlights and lowlands of the year (of which the former is the career of Kate Beaton, whose book is represented above, and of which the latter is the career of, oh, I dunno, me, probably). The Kirby trial outcome! The layoffs at Marvel! Superhero movies! Kickstarter! Watchmen 2! Feigned excitement! And much, much more, of course.

I pray to god the miserable son of a bitch is on iTunes but if not, you can listen to it here, there, and everywhere via the handy link provided below:

Wait, What? Ep. 68.2: Startkicker

We hope you enjoy and plan on joining us for future episodes in 2012.  Either way, however, we wish you for the very best for the new year!

Wait, What? Ep. 65.2: A Podcast--With A Gun!

Photobucket Yup, we came out of nowhere and rang your doorbell. We are a podcast--with a gun!

Oh, and Mallomars. God yes, Mallomars.

In this 90+ minute finale to ep. 65, Graeme McMillan and I talk a teeny-tiny bit more about Gerber's Defenders, then go on to more of our standard W,W? stuff: Matt Fraction on Word Balloon, getting stalked on Twitter, the pros and cons of interviewing pros (sadly, not at cons because that would make a terrific little phrase, being trolled on Twitter, the required-by-Internet-law discussion of Watchmen 2, the price of satisfaction, and, you know, lots more.

Statistically speaking, it is likely this fine installment is already available to you on iTunes. But, should you wish, it is also available for your chewing satisfaction on this very fine purveyor of Internet whimsy:

Wait, What? Ep. 65.2: A Podcast--With A Gun!

Thanks for listening, and--as always--we hope you enjoy!