Wait, What? 67.1 and .2: Krampus and Claus
Image ganked from Graeme's advent calendar at Blog@? Check.
Episode 67.1, featuring Graeme and I pulling a World's Finest-style caper and switching our traditional viewpoints to talk about Matt Fraction and Tom Brevoort's interview on the Fear Itself aftermath issues? Check!
Episode 67.2, with us giving you a holiday gift guide covering collections, floppies, indie books and digital pics? Check.
Although I usually wait until our podcasts hit iTunes before I create the SavCrit entries, I think this site is going to have Ep. 67 before iTunes does, for maybe as much as a day. So we invite you to curl up around a nice fire and listen to us wax both naughty and nice (oh man that imagery but it's too late now just keep forging ahead with me) right before Xmenmas.
Oh, and in case you're interested in what our gift list pics were and don't want to listen to our nattering voices, I've included the rough version of the list after the jump. Feel free to check it out and let us know what we've missed!
Books and OGNs:
[note: some books are either comics or visual related but not "true" comics]
- Thrill Power Overload by David Bishop
- Just My Type by Simon Garfield
- Stigmata by Lorenzo Mattotti
- Celluloid by Dave McKean
- Lewis & Clark by Nick Bertozzi
- Habibi by Craig Thompson
- Love & Rockets Books 3 and 4, by Los Bros Hernandez
- Finder: Voice by Carla Speed McNeil
- Gingerbread Girl by Paul Tobin & Colleen Coover
- Captain America Omnibus by Jack Kirby
- Thor Omnibus by Walt Simonson
- Nemesis The Warlock, Vol. 1 by Mills, O'Neill and Talbot
- The Incal by Jodorowsky & Moebius
- Kamandi Omnibus Vol. 1 by Jack Kirby
- Donald Duck: Lost in the Andes by Carl Barks
- Never Learn Anything From History by Kate Beaton (Alternate pick: Hark! A Vagrant)
- Oglaf Book One by Trudy and Doug
- Onion Head Monster: Catastrophic by Paul Friedrich
- Sabertooth Vampire by Mike Russell
- Bakuman by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata
- Witch Doctor Vol. 1 TPB by Brandon Seifert and Lukas Ketner
"Actual" comics/Floppies/Singles:
- Ganges #4
- Wolverine: Debt of Death one-shot
- Uncanny X-Force #1-18
- The Walking Dead
- Batman
- Daredevil
- Action Comics
- Flash
- Batwoman
- Mystic
- Wolverine and The X-Men
Digital picks:
- Crying Freeman by Kazuo Koike and Ryoichi Ikegami (Dark Horse Digital)
- No. 5 Ikki Comix by Taiyo Matsumoto (Apple App Store)
- Subscription to Shonen Jump Alpha (Viz)
- Casanova Avarita by Matt Fraction and Gabriel Ba (Comixology)
- Batman #252 (DC, Comixology)
- Silver Star Omnibus by Jack Kirby (Image, Comixology