Okay, You Can Call This A Comeback; We've Been Away

Well, that'll teach me to make any kind of comment like "We'll try to do these podcasts more often" in the future. In Jeff's defense, these four - yes, four - new episodes of Wait, What? were recorded in a couple of sessions last month, and if I had been better at putting them up in any kind of timely order, then they might have been more timely to listen to. But, sadly, various things - including work, a laptop death and just plain forgetfulness - have conspired to make sure that didn't happen, and that's why you're getting four hours of Jeff and I talking nonsense in one sitting right now, before even more time gets away from us. And so, without any further ado: The Missing Wait, What? Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

If nothing else, our (pre-finale) talk about the ending of Lost really has some kind of historical curiosity value right now, right...? Right...?