Wake, What? The Ultra-Topical Line-Jumping Edition
Although I'm really looking forward to posting my conversation with Graeme from last week, we thought it best to just jump the line by an episode and post what we talked about just yesterday since it concerns in no small part news that will seem absurdly ancient a week from now. (In fact, I saw a post on Twitter today and went, "Hmm, people are still talking about that? Huh.")
So, yeah. Why make you wait? Plus, if you listen carefully, you'll hear us mention a topic from last week that will hopefully get you psyched to hear that episode....next week! Or something. Man, I hate scheduling: it's like god-damned time travel....
It *is* on iTunes (though you may have to right-click and choose "update podcast") and it is also right here for you, right now:
Wake, What? The Ultra-Topical Line-Jumping Edition
Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy!