Wait, What? There's No Wait, What? This Week?

Yes, well.  Tiny vacations were taken last week (little itsy-bitsy ones!) and it was pretty darn pleasant, I gotta say. However, this means Graeme and I didn't record last week, which means I didn't edit yesterday, which means no podcast today.  (Why this means I have to somehow map out the entire production process for you, I'm not sure.  Obviously, the mini-cation didn't help my ability to vamp awkwardly.)

Which isn't to say we don't have some great Wait, What? related content for you anyway.  For example, check out this Portlandia video below for a very compelling cameo (right around the 1:03) mark:

And! After the jump!  Kirby tattoos!

Also worth noting are these great tattoos my pal and friend of the program Ren S. passed along. They're the tats of his friend Dr. Metropolis, who may or may not be the author of this fine book. I'm such a fan of Kirby (and especially Kirby at Marvel), I had to post these:

Yes, I would look at a guy's armpit if Kirby was involved.

My thanks to Ren and the good Doctor for showing this very amazing labor of love.  Now if someone wants to come forward with their OMAC tattoos and make my life more-or-less complete...

Next week:  A Podcast!  Probably! See you then!