Wait, What? Ep. 59.2: Nine 9 Nein
It was a tough call, deciding how to chop up Ep. 59 -- it was one of those eps. where the cleanest transition between topics wasn't very clean at all. So, really, if you've just listened to Ep. 59.1, you'll handle the transition to 59.2 just fine--I literally just cut an inhalation between the end of that one and the start of this one.
So maybe when I launch into my thoughts on Craig Thompson's Habibi, you'll get a better sense of where I'm coming from if you've recently finished that. (Or maybe not. I never know. Embarrassingly enough, I more or less have this conversation twice--once as a speaker, and once as a listener/editor -- and I still can't remember who said what.) But we talk about Habibi, and then Graeme and I go on to give you reviews and opinionated blabbity-blab about the first issues of Voodoo, Superman, The Flash, and Brilliant; Bakuman vols. 5 and 6, and much more. Dude, it's like eighty minutes! You understand why I had to break it into parts, right?
Oh, and program notes! I first jabbered about autodidacts in 59.1 so I probably should've linked to one of Tim O'Neil's several great pieces about Dave Sim's Cerebus last entry, but it is still pertinent here. Also pertinent to our discussion of Voodoo is the work of photographer Alicia Vera, particularly this and this (though Graeme was looking at this when we were talking). I know squat about photography but I really think Ms. Vera is the real deal and she could go on to big things. Oh, and I guess those last few links are NSFW, maybe? Not very, but...
Okay, so all that said, here's the podcast! You've probably already come across it on iTunes, but if not or if you would prefer to listen to it here, by all means do be our guest:
Wait, What? Ep. 59.2: Nine 9 Nein
As always, thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy!