Wait, What? Ep. 28: Good Old Boys
Ah, yes. The podcast. You haven't forgotten about us, have you?
Believe it or not, we haven't, either. My new method of allowing the podcast to upload to iTunes before creating an entry here on the SavCrit, however, has led to a bit of lag on my part, for which I apologize. We hope to make it up to you in the coming week.
In fact, in this very entry, we're giving you both installments of Episode 28--our comic-free prologue, in which Graeme and I talk They Might Be Giants, Randy Newman, and the British TV comedy triumvirate of The IT Crowd, Father Ted, and Brass Eye; and Episode 28 proper, where we discuss at length books like Iron Man #500.1, Power Man and Iron Fist #1, Wolverine #5 and 5.1, and Chris Roberson's work on Superman:Grounded and Superman/Batman.
Both installments are up on iTunes now, but if you'd rather hear them here, we would be delighted:
The Comics-Free Prologue to Episode 28!
Wait, What, Ep. 28: The Comics-Filled Podcast!
So, you know. Hooray for content, right? With luck and a certain amount of steely determination on my part, we should also have the lengthy Ep. 29, separated into satisfying less-daunting chunks, also ready for you here this week.
We hope you enjoy 'em and, as always, thanks for listening!