Wait, What? Ep. 25: The Power To Let Power Go
Why, yes, I did yoink this image from Chris Haley's totally awesome Kanye + Comics tumblr, why do you ask?
As I think I mentioned last week, this conversation was recorded before Wake, What? and so some of the things alluded to there will now totally make sense if you listen to this here. Graeme and I discuss the (at the time super-recent) casting decisions for The Dark Knight Rises, the Thor relaunch, Batman, Inc. #2, and the backmatter discussion between Fraction and O'Malley in the latest Casanova. We run a little long--okay, more than a little long--but we hope you think it'll be worth it.
Unless I've screwed up my own RSS feed yet again, you should be able to hear it via Itunes. And of course, we are always pleased to offer you the opportunity to listen to it here:
Wait, What? Ep. 25: The Power To Let Power Go
Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy!