Wait, What? Ep. 23.1: Keep It Like A Secret
Apart from being a super-smart writer, Adam Knave also has a way with the promo material. Thanks, Adam!
As for us, I got a little behind so there may be one or more of these coming your way this week before we (hopefully) settle in with our new leaner, lighter on the ears (and time commitment) approach.
Until then, however, you have Graeme and I from the first week of this year, shooting the shiz in extravagant fashion, and discussing Steel, Final Crisis, Grant Morrison's Invisibles, Garth Ennis' The Boys, Jeff Parker and Gabriel Hardman's Hulk, and, of course, Brad Meltzer's Decoded.
You can find it on Itunes or, of course, you can listen to it right here, if that's your fancy:
Wait, What? Ep. 23.1: Keep It Like A Secret
We hope you dig it, and thanks for listening!