Wait, What? Ep. 21.2: Our Year in Review, Part II
See? I told you it would be forthcoming and lo, it has...forthcame. Part 2 of our review of The Year in Comics 2010 is ready and waiting for you, with a Top Ten List from Graeme, some quibbling from me (okay, maybe a lot of quibbling from me, along with some supplementary choices) and even a bit of jawing about that there Iron Man 3 movie.
Oh, and I'd be totally remiss if I didn't point recent listeners to the lovely bit of promo art assembled by the talented Adam P. Knave. (And if you think that I'll be leaning heavily on that as a promo image for Wait, What? in the year to come , you're entirely correct.)
Those of you with the Itunes thingy enabled should already have access to this ep., but you are more than welcome--in fact, you are invited!--to listen to it here and now:
Wait, What? Ep. 21.2: Our Year in Review, Part II
Oh, and if you ever want to add the podcast as an RSS feed, you should be able to using this link (I think?):
If you have any trouble with that, definitely let me know.
Otherwise, thanks for listening and we look forward to having more for you in the New Year!