Wait, What? Ep. 17.3: It Ain't Over Until It's The All-Over....
Yeah, I just had to use this image, which I shamelessly ganked from David Uzumeri's awesome annotations over at Comics Alliance to accompany our final installment of episode 17, an hour-long rope-a-dope where Graeme and myself thrash out our thoughts about The Return of Bruce Wayne #6 and Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #17. I don't think I have yet to successfully post one of these bastards the first time out for all of last week, but at some point or other, this ep. made it on to Itunes or will make it on to Itunes and you can also listen to it here...or perhaps you already have listened to it here. (Hey, it's almost like Omega Trap style time travel!)
Wait, What? Ep. 17.3: It Ain\'t Over Until It\'s The All-Over...
We hope you enjoy and thanks, as always, for listening!