Wait, What? Ep. 15.1: Breaking News Broken
So I'm in New York for the month and Graeme is, you know, doing his thing (I just swapped an email or two with him and wow does it sound like he's trapped in a special circle of hell right now) but we still managed to carve out some time to get on the hooberbloob and talk and so we managed to make you this thing and here it is:
(And it should also be on Itunes, for those of you who swing that way.) It was recorded all the way back on Thursday, October 7, so those of you who are comics-news-savvy can probably figure out a bit of what we talked about....
And, hmmmm. I'm posting this a little late on Tuesday, so let's say I'll post Episode 15.2 on...Thursday? Like, earlyish Thursday? And then we're hoping to talk next week and I hope to turn that around a little faster... Although, you know, I'm in New York! It's a miracle anyone finds time to get to anything they scheduled.
Hope you enjoy, and thanks for your patience!