Hurray, We're Behind! Jeff on the Availability of the Wait, What Podcasts
After a certain amount of hard work and a tremendous amount of whining (or, "whingeing," as you may prefer), Graeme and I have finally fulfilled our life-long dream of getting our podcast listed on to three years after many of our contemporaries! Now, we can both expire quietly (but happily).
Should you wish to subscribe to Wait, What through Itunes, you can go here:
and do that secret occult thing people do to get podcasts onto their Iquipment. According to Apple, it's going to be another week or so before you find this on the Itunes store via search, so this is your best bet for now. If you like the podcast, would you mind leaving us a review on Itunes saying so?
For those who prefer to subscribe to podcasts through other means, our RSS feed is here:
And there are links to all our episodes to date at both. (Although, I believe you can only see our podcast ID logo on Itunes? The ID was created by Graeme and it is very well done, isn't it?) We've got another episode up our sleeves that we'll try go get to you sooner, rather than later.