What doesn't make the cut
I'm nearly done with organizing my year-end figures for the accountant (should be done next week, I think), and I'm prepping to sit down with the 2008 BookScan numbers as soon as I get my hands on them. So I figure I'm still... 2 weeks? from doing regular review posting again.
I've just paid the Critics for the last six months of advertising (thanks for clicking through to our advertisers!), as well as the direct donations since June (Thank you to Evan D, Steven D, Ralph M, and Sandy M!), and everyone gets a cheeseburger! If you like what you read here, that's always a great way to show your support. Just sayin'.
But, I thought I should post something more than sales figures (and I'm SHOCKED about how few comments it drew this year... scroll down a bit and you can see CE's 2008 figures), without having to use the full part of my brain that I need to do proper reviews, so here's something new...
Every week I take home pretty much every comic that comes out, with the intent of staying up on what's going on. When I was a young man (and without a REALLY young man in my house who needs attention), I *did* get through everything in a week, but now...?
So, here's a list (with maybe some minor commentary) of the stuff even I didn't get around to reading this week...
30 DAYS OF NIGHT: 30 DAYS TIL DEATH #2: #1 didn't grab me by the throat as it were. JACK OF FABLES #29: I alwyas have a hard time working up the enthusiasm BACK TO BROOKLYN #3 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #8: That "War of Kings" banner SCARES me
And from the week before...
WOLVERINE ORIGINS #31: This "Wolverine's Son" thing is just going on and on... MISTER X: CONDEMNED #1: Hm, I wanted to read this one, just ran outta time CAPT AMERICA THEATER OF WAR: AMERICA FIRST! RUNAWAYS #5 IMMORTAL IRON FIST #21 PATSY WALKER HELLCAT #4: The delays between issues has leeched much of my original shining joy DAREDEVIL #114: Really? BILLY BATSON AND THE POWER OF SHAZAM #3: Like HELLCAT above, but also "really?" like DD...
Maybe I'll read those last three right now if there's time between unpacking the Baker & Taylor box and when the New Comics Truck arrives today...
So, what comics do YOU have sitting in a pile waiting for you to read them? And why won't you probably get to those specific ones?