"WAM!" PEOPLE! A King is Born!

On August 28th 1917 Jacob Kurtzberg was born. As Jack Kirby he changed the shape of comics. You may have heard of him. This time out I take a back seat and let Jack Kirby speak for himself in the language in which he was most fluent; the language of  COMICS!!! Photobucket

But first, Jack Kirby's granddaughter has a message for his fans HERE.

And now our Feature Presentation:

Jack Kirby (1917 - 1994)


All images were sourced from:


JACK KIRBY'S THE LOSERS By Jack Kirby, Mike Royer and D. Bruce Berry DC Comics, $39.99 (2009)

Happy Birthday, Jack Kirby (1917 – 1994) for you are forever EXCELLENT!!! (With apologies to the work of Clive James.)