Don't Look Back. Don't Ever Look Back! Sometimes it's 2017!

 photo FireWorksNY_zpshx7h0r7t.jpgSHE WOLF by Rich Tommaso

Happy New Year from all aboard The Savage Critics! Okay, now look, it's a New Year so it's important we all get off on the right foot. We need some smiles, people!

Sure, I could let the continuing fascistic farce of BREXIT Britain bring me down...

 photo BrexitNYB_zpsckiodj7h.jpg V for VENDETTA by David Lloyd and Alan Moore

Or...I could accentuate the positive and look ahead to all the magical joys COMICS!!! have in store in 2017!

So chip in below and tell the world (well, the infinitesimal portion of the world that reads The Savage Critics) what's looking to brighten up your life in the twelve months ahead! Or don't. Free Will, yeah? So here are two to start you off:

 photo ChaykinNYB_zpsrxv5p9r0.jpg

 photo SWolfNYB_zpslqvlxqte.jpg

So what's got you 'orrible lot salivatin'? Oi, cheeky chops! Keep it to COMICS!!!

Happy New Year!