Another Garage Sale Update....
/Yes, another one. Don't worry. By Saturday night, this will all be over. So more cling-wrapping for sets, but I also decided to follow Hibbs' advice. He said if I wanted to guarantee that the stuff moves I should mark it ten for a buck. I kinda didn't want to do that considering the money I've spent on this stuff over time but then again, I want to sell it on Ebay even less. So I do hope some of you are planning on stopping by, because the post office's loss is your gain. I've got over seven long boxes of comics that are a dime apiece, and I think it's a pleasing mix of good, bad and indescribable. Those of you who remember how little I liked Mark Millar's run on MK Spider-Man, for example, will be pleased to know I'm selling all twelve issues of that for a dime apiece; a very large number of Waid's Fantastic Four and JMS's Amazing Spider-Man are in there, as is stuff I quite like but have replaced with trades, like Reload and Ministry of Space by Ellis, Ennis issues of Hellblazer, Fables, Boneyard, Age of Bronze, and a lot, lot more.
I also have a weird mix of older comix, not in mint condition or anything, but still well worth more than a dime, including an issue of Kirby's OMAC, Uncanny X-Men issues from around #175, a few obscure 100 page giants, that Baxter paper collection of Kirby's New Gods from the early '80s, a smattering of Master of Kung-Fu, and a oddly large number of issues of Spider-Woman.
After deciding to do the dime longboxes, I'm now worried that the sets are overpriced although they're mainly to appeal to people who want a complete story or set of stories in pack, which is why I'm selling the entire run of Burns' Black Hole for $10(!, if I do say so myself), the entire run of Global Frequency for $6.00, and the first two Blue Monday minis (plus one-shots) for $4.00. I've got more sets to make this evening (and probably tomorrow after work) but a lot of them are loose aggregations of Simpsons comics, or other things local parents might buy for their kids, and a few more things I'm trying to work out.
The two problem sets, both pricing and packaging, are the entire run of Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol, and Knights of the Dinner Table #46-104. I have no idea how to price them, and no idea, because of their size, how to package them. If you have any idea particularly as to a good price point, leave 'em in the comments.
God. With each sentence of this entry, I'm realizing there is not enough beer in the house to get all this done.
So there you have it. this Saturday, the 13th, from 9:00 to 5:00 at 3225 Folsom Street, 94110. Edi said the tiny URL ( of the googlemap was inexact but it works fine for me and I'm wondering if it's because she's using Safari as her browser. I planned out the trip on Muni through and you can see that list of what Bart and Muni busses to catch at And as I said previously, you can write me at pig.latin AT if you have any questions you don't want to leave in comments.
Okay. Off to do something about that beer situation....