Comix Experience's 24th anniversary

On 4/1/1989, I opened Comix Experience for the very first time.  I'm crazy pleased to say that today is our 24th anniversary. No party or anything (24 is almost an anti-climax?), but it is... interesting to be the oldest store in your metropolitan area.

Thanks to all of you for your support over the years! Next year: 25!



New Comix Experience website!

In other news, we've completed a refresh of the Comix Experience website, which was pretty long overdue, I hate to say. In addition to it just looking visually fresher, there's a fair chunk of new content on the site for you to examine -- in super-particular I've put up an additional 26 Tilting at Windmills, and you can also find a scan of the ultra-rare Comix Experience 5th anniversary magazine, yay!

Spend a few minutes tooling around, let me know what you think?

Much love to my Mom, who did the rebuild! THANKS MOM!



We need a window display artist!

It's been one of those months, really -- I just realized today that we still had the Christmas window display up, uh, in February. So I asked Sue if she had any ideas for a new window, and she told me she's pretty much run out of ideas after her 4 (?) year run in setting them up. Now, me, I've been doing this coming up on 17 years now, and all of MY ideas are long since dull or uninteresting, and while, sure, I can go back to making color photocopy blow ups of covers and banging them up in the bay, honestly it's better if we have SOME creativity involved.

Comix Experience has a huge bay window -- it is (roughly) 5 feet wide, 7 feet tall, and 4 feet deep, and it is seen by thousands and thousands of people driving past Divisadero St. every day.

And I need someone to fill it.

We've had some killer and kick ass windows over the years -- a small sampling of them can be seen at -- and I'd like us to return to that standard of excellence set by Chris Hsiang, David Marshall and Susan Riddle over the years.

BUT, we don't pay all that well, really (I am cheap), and I'm no longer a really wonderful generator of concepts (I am burned out), nor do I communicate all that well (I'm an asshole, really), while I'm, shall we say, "fussy" (like I said: asshole), so it might be a gig for a self-starter less than an artiste, ya dig?

So, if you're in the Bay Area, and you're an artist who can work big, and you're looking more for exposure than Big Cash Money, drop by a couple samples of your work to the store @ 305 Divisadero St., SF, 94117.

If you're a Bay Area comic book CREATOR, I MIGHT be willing to entertain one-off windows shilling just your book, too -- though I'm really looking for someone to do a regular gig. But, I am open to proposals...
