James Robinson signing @ Outpost 2/26, 5-7 PM

The first signing for Comic Outpost is a super-doozy: Industry legend James Robinson (who, fun fact, had his first GN release with LONDON'S DARK the same year I opened my first store) will be appearing to support FANTASTIC FOUR #1 (on day of release), as well as ALL-NEW INVADERS and his Image comic THE SAVIORS.  I couldn't be more excited. Comic Outpost is located at 2381 Ocean Ave in San Francisco.  There is buckets of free parking north of the store, and we literally have a stop of the K line streetcar right in front of the shop; we're all of 8 stops on the underground from downtown, it is a short and easy hop.

(And thank you Jeff Lester for reminding me I didn't post that here. Facebook is just too easy to fall back upon  -- especially with two stores and sometimes-14 hour workdays and 7 days a week since 12/16 -- I need to get a flow that works better, damnit!)

The new issue of THE SAVIORS came out today!



