Arriving 5/29/2019
/An AMAZING week of comics, as we hit the fifth week of May -- all of those comics that should have been shipping the last few weeks? They are coming this time! So many so, in fact that I have five instead of our regular three to spotlight this time! The obvious recommendation this week is the Snyder/Capullo BATMAN: THE LAST KNIGHT ON EARTH, followed super closely by Ed Piskor's wrap up of X-MEN GRAND DESIGN: X-TINCTION. But I also want to mention Aftershock's KILLER GROOVE, Vault's SHE SAID DESTROY, and finally finally finally a new issue of POPE HATS! On the book side we'll limit it to just one choice: the third volume of the SAGA DELUXE HCs! But this is literally just the Tip of the Iceberg.... so so many crazy good comics coming out this week! Look under the jump!
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